Python Parser Project for CS4450, created by "Parser? I barely know 'er" Group Members: Dee Archdekin, Mel Tully, Zoe Spriggs, David Douglass. The goal of this project is to create a parser for the Python language, using Antlr.
Please note that all group members have contributed to creating and refining the grammar, we have been collaborating online and in-person.
Any environment can be used, but Antlr. AntlrDenter, and Python3 install is required
Python can be installed here:
Antlr can be installed here:
Note when installing Antlr that this project uses the Python version of Antlr.
This project also makes use of AntlrDenter. Further information on AntlrDenter can be found here:
You can install AntlrDenter using 'pip install antlr-denter'
After installing python, you must run the following command to build the program and generate the necessary files for the driver: 'antlr4 -v 4.13.0 -Dlanguage=Python3 P1.g4'
The driver program can be run with the following command, and will generate an output for the parse tree in string format: 'python3 file_to_parse.txt'
In addition, a .png to show the actual tree structure was generated from a DOT file with Graphvis. See parse_tree_final.png for this parse tree.
Note that there is a unique branch for deliverable1 and deliverable2. Deliverable 3 is on branch Main.