A script that creates a simulated DutchX DAO. The script framework is derived from @daostack/arc.js-scripts.
npm install
npm run build
npm run migrateContracts
The script is "dutchx_scripts\daoCreateDutchX.ts".
npm run ganache
npm run migrateContracts
npm run script daoCreateDutchX [path to a config file]
See "dutchx_scripts/configurations/example-config.json" on how to create a config file.
Provide a nmemonic and url:
npm run script -- -n "file turkey house..." -u "https://kovan.infura.io/..." daoCreateDutchX [path to a config file]
See "dutchx_scripts/configurations/example-config.json" on how to create a config file.
If the script returns without executing your script, make sure that a node is listening on the url you provided in your provider configuration file.
If you are using Infura and are experiencing "nonce too low" errors, then let the script know you are using Infura by either naming the network "kovan" in a providerConfig JSON file, or by supplying the --i
option on the command line.
After running npm run build
, run:
npm run help