Data Viz made with Processing. It shows an average day for the Ecobici bike sharing system in Mexico City. The dataset was published by the Laboratorio de Datos de La Ciudad de Mexico and it was processed using AWK to standarize it and make it readable by processing.
Visualización de datos en processing que muestra como es un día para servicio ecobici de la Ciudad de México. Los datos se obtuvieron del Laboratorio de Datos de la Ciudad de México y fueron procesados con AWK para estandarizarlos y darles mas legibilidad.
- [Processing] Languaje for creating interactive graphics using OpenG
- [TileMill] I used TileMill for designing the map. I exported it to image so it can be used by processing
- [AWK] Allowed me to parse and process big amounts of text
Dataset (UPDATE: website not available anymore)