This repo is no longer maintained. I've switched completely to NixOS because my Arch setup got fried when my neighbor accidentally drilled into my power cable. RIP
This repository contains my personal configuration files for various Linux apps & tools.
This is a Wayland with Hyprland (Nvidia) setup for a single 4k 16:9 monitor.
- shellsheldon
- shell plugin managerneovim
- text editorkitty
- terminal emulatorzellij
- terminal multiplexerstarship
- terminal promptranger
- terminal-based file managerbtop
- resources monitorwaybar
- barwofi
- app launcherhyprland
- tiling window manager & compositorhyprpaper
- wallpaper managerwlogout
- power menuswaylock
- screen lockermako
- notification daemoneww
- widgets
All the colors & theming are Nord.
The setup contains some eww
widgets (like weather, calendar and uptime), they are currently in progress.
To install the configuration files, run:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS https://chezmoi.io/get)" -- init --apply danielgafni
Install system dependencies (for Arch Linux):
paru -S zsh neovim kitty bat ranger ranger_devicons-git zellij-git starship-git btop nerd-fonts-fira-code nerd-fonts-complete-starship nordic-theme nordzy-cursors nordzy-icon-theme-git grim-git slurp sway hyprland-nvidia-git hyprpaper-git wlogout-git swayidle swaylock-effects-git wlrobs-hg mako-git waybar-hyprland-git xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
It's extremely important to use xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
as it enables features like screensharing any window or enabling sound for some apps.
Use the launcher script script to start Hyprland.
is my CLI tool made for running commands related to these dotfiles.
- Magic Tree (converted with the Python tool