- Remix glitch.com/~blocks-server
- Set this variables on the
the server name (for the public registry)SEED
16bit world generation seed. (0 - 65535)
- Remix glitch.com/~blocks-server-worldgen
- Set the variables on the
file - Edit worldgen.js
version: '3'
image: danigatunes/blocks:latest
- NAME=Your Server Name
- PUBLIC_URL=https://yourserver.url/
- SEED=1234
- STORAGE=/data
- "80:8080"
- "data:/data"
At the moment, the main server list verification is kind of a manual process. I will check the list from time to time and manually approve them after checking they work correctly. I need to write better tools to streamline the process, but there's other priorities right now. If you want to speed this up, you can always drop me a line on twitter with the url of your server.
serve the client (boolean, defaults to false)DESTINATIONS
serve the destinations web ui (boolean, defaults to false)GENERATOR
the world generator functionMAX_CLIENTS
the maximum concurrent players (defaults to 16)NAME
the server name (for the public registry)PRELOAD
a chunk radius around the spawn area to be preloadedPUBLIC_URL
public url of the server (for the public registry)SEED
16bit world generation seed. (0 - 65535)STORAGE
directory in where to store the generated/modified chunks
# random seed, no preload, 16 clients
node server/main.js
# same, but preloading a 10 chunk radius around the spawn area
PRELOAD=10 node server/main.js
# flat world for only 4 clients with persistence
GENERATOR=flat MAX_CLIENTS=4 PRELOAD=10 SEED=1234 STORAGE=./data node server/main.js
# heightmap driven world generator
GENERATOR=heightmap COLORMAP=./island_rgb.png HEIGHTMAP=./island_height.png node server/main.js
webxr requires an https origin. to test with headsets on your local network:
# generate a self-signed cert/key:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt
# start the server with TLS
TLS_CERT=server.crt TLS_KEY=server.key npm start