Simplifies regex in typescirpt
is a Deno library that allows you to use regex while actually understanding 0 regex using human-readable terms instead of needing to search it online or asking github copilot to do it for you
- Regex pattern generators with human readable names
- Basic regex operations such as match and replace
- Common utils operations such checking if a value is a integer or not
To get started all you need to do is import the oregex library and and call ORegex.create() to be able to create a regex
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create();
The following are examples for the various ways you can create a regex, it's still recommended to read the documentation if something is unclear.
Check if test is in the regex:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create("test"); // can also use ORegex.create().containsInIt("test")
console.log(regex.isIn("hello test")); // Prints true
Find count of all lines starting with test:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().startsWith("test");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test\nhello\ntest")); // Prints 2
Replace all lines ending with "!":
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().endsWith("!");
console.log(regex.replaceAll("!",".")); // Prints .
console.log(regex.replaceAll("test!\nhello!\ntest")); // Prints test.\nhello.test
Replace first appearance of test:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().append("test");
console.log(regex.replaceFirst("test","bob")); // Prints bob
console.log(regex.replaceFirst("test!\nhello!\ntest")); // Prints bob!\nhello!\ntest
Check if the string matches exactly with test:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().equalsTo("test");
console.log(regex.isIn("hello test")); // Prints false
console.log(regex.isIn("test")); // Prints true
Get the regex string:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().equalsTo("test");
console.log(; // Prints ^test$
Find count of all appearances of "a" followed by a some number of "bc"s:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create("a").canHaveAnyAmount("bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 3
Find count of all appearances of "a" followed by at least one "bc":
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create("a").hasOneOrMore("bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 2
Find count of all appearances of "bc" :
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().canHaveOne("bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 4
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 2
Find count of all appearances of two consecutive "bc"s:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().ofAmount(2,"bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 2
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 0
Find count of all appearances of one-three consecutive "bc"s:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().ofAmountInRange(1, 3, "bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 2
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 2
Find count of all appearances of at least two consecutive "bc"s:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().ofAmountInRange(2, undefined, "bc");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test hello")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb a abc")); // Prints 0
Find count of all Lines starting with a or ending with b:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().startEnteringOptions()
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("a")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcb\nb\nab")); // Prints 3
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("ba")); // Prints 0
Find count of all appearances of c or test:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().containsOneOf(["c","test"]);
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("a")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("abcbcbcbc")); // Prints 4
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("ctest")); // Prints 2
Find count of all appearances of a-f, A, B, 2-5 and 8:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().containsOneCharacterOf("a-fAB2-58");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("a")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("afAB38")); // Prints 6
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("F9")); // Prints 0
Find count of all appearances of characters which aren't a-f, A, B, 2-5 and 8:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().containsAnyExceptCharacterOf("a-fAB2-58");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("a")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("afAB38")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("test")); // Prints 3
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("F9")); // Prints 2
Check if string matches character based regex:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().digit().nonDigit()
console.log(regex.isIn("a")); // Prints false
console.log(regex.isIn("1b_! 87")); // Prints true
console.log(regex.isIn("33333333")); // Prints false
console.log(regex.isIn("9 b\n h")); // Prints false (no any)
console.log(regex.isIn("9 b\n h_")); // Prints true
Find count of all appearances of word bob:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().hasWord("bob");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober testbob bober bob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bob bob bob")); // Prints 3
Find count of all appearances of prefix bob:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().hasPrefix("bob");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bober")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober testbob bober bob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bober bober bober")); // Prints 3
Find count of all appearances of suffix bob:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().hasSuffix("bob");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober testbob bober bob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbob testbob testbob")); // Prints 3
Find count of all appearances of sequence bob inside a word:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create().hasInsideWord("bob");
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("bober")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbob")); // Prints 0
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober testbob bober bob")); // Prints 1
console.log(regex.countOfMatchesIn("testbober testbober testbober")); // Prints 3
ORegex also contains a few default values for common scenarios for needed patterns
Find count of all appearances of sequence bob inside a word:
import { ORegex } from "";
const regex = ORegex.create()
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.