This project is not intended to be another Laravel or Symfony, it is a standalone RESTful server with two major focus:
- Easy to use, just import it with Composer and mostly be ready to run the server.
- Performance, I use the server for two things:
- Quick proof of concepts. The time that take you to setup this Framework should be less than a minute, for practical purposes investing 15 minutes or more in the setup of a Framework is just too much regarding Proof of concepts.
- Big data. This projects is open source, however in my professional side I work a lot with REST apis and big data over cloud systems and perform matters, and when I said matters I mean tiny details like this example:
- Some of the popular Frameworks has a minimum response time of 150ms in average, as first hand that sounds quickly but the truth is that it could be faster
- This Framework can reach speeds of 30ms because it focus on RESTful nothing else, every other additional is optional, in several cases you have a cached response and just want a super quick response.
- PHP 5.5 or greater
- PHP project with Composer
composer require "danielaranda/restful=*"
composer update
###Create server endpoint.
- At your project root create a folder named public, which is assumed will be the folder that your web server will use as Document Root.
- Create the file public/api.php