🔭 I’m currently working on CodeBucks (My YouTube Channel) and DevDreaming (A website where I can share more then videos).
📝 I regularly write articles on DevDreaming
💬 Ask me about React, Redux, GatsbyJS, NextJS
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Latest Articles👇:
📝How to get user's location in React.js🔥
📝Top 10 Popular VS Code Themes You Should Try🔥
Latest Tutorials on Youtube👇:
📺 Next.js 13 Blog Tutorial: Build SEO Optimized Blog with Next.js, Contentlayer, and Tailwind CSS 🔥
📺 How to Create a Stunning Portfolio Website with Nextjs, Tailwind CSS and Framer-motion🌟
📺 React Website Tutorial: ⭐Build Feature Rich Crypto Screener App with Tailwind CSS