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Version 5.0.0

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@Rapha0511 Rapha0511 released this 24 Aug 12:12
· 127 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

  • #444 Add missing nodes to the parsing
  • ⚠️The adSlotID attribute of CompanionAd object has been modified to adSlotId to follow the VAST specs.
  • ⚠️The type attribute of the <Survey> node is now parsed. The parsed <Survey> node is now an Object {value: String, type: String}.
  • ⚠️xmlEncoded is now considered as an attribute of the <adParameters> node, instead of a node by itself. The value of is now an Object {value: String, xmlEncoded: String}.
  • <IconClickFallbackImages> node is now parsed.
  • Now, <Icon> wrapper elements will be merged with the final Inline.
  • The parseDuration function is now exposed publicly as a VASTParser method to allow users to convert timecode to seconds.
  • #454 Methods to trigger viewable impression trackers
  • ⚠️ The attributes viewable, notviewable and viewundetermined have been modified to viewable, notViewable and viewUndetermined.
  • 3 public methods are now available to track viewable impression URI
    • trackViewableImpression() to report all <Viewable> URI
    • trackNotViewableImpression() to report all <notViewable> URI
    • trackUndeterminedImpression() to report all <ViewableUndetermined> URI


  • #448 Validate URLTemplates before tracking
  • #456 Update dependancies


  • #443 Add muted argument to constructor

The setMuted method assumes that muted property is false by default. Thus, the unmute tracking event will not fire if the player was in a muted state.

  • #452 Handle duplicate VASTAdTagURI in AdPod

Wrappers within an AdPod can now reference the same VASTAdTagURI.

Full Changelog: 4.0.1...5.0.0