R Package to detect SCE breakpoints in haploid Strand-seq data This package uses CBC and HMM approach to segment the data
Collaborators: David Porubsky, Ashley D Sanders
library("fastseg") Klambauer G, Schwarzbauer K, Mayr A, Mitterecker A, Clevert D, Bodenhofer U and Hochreiter S (2012). “cn.MOPS: Mixture of Poissons for Discovering Copy Number Variations in Next Generation Sequencing Data with a Low False Discovery Rate.” Nucleic Acids Research, 40, pp. e69.
library("HMM") Scientific Software Development - Dr. Lin Himmelmann and www.linhi.com (2010). HMM: HMM - Hidden Markov Models. R package version 1.0. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=HMM