Listen for BTLE broadcast from Govee H5074 or H5179 devices, and publish the data to Influx DB so that it can be graphed with Grafana. To be run as a service.
Parsing logic for the two different types of Govee devices is based on sensor.goveetemp_bt_hci
For each device that it hears broadcasting, decodes the device's temperature, humidity, battery and rssi level and logs it at least once per minute.
usage: [-h] [-r] [--influxdb] [--influxdb_host INFLUXDB_HOST] [--influxdb_port INFLUXDB_PORT]
[--influxdb_user INFLUXDB_USER] [--influxdb_pass INFLUXDB_PASS] [--influxdb_db INFLUXDB_DB]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --raw print json data to stddout
--influxdb publish to influxdb
--influxdb_host INFLUXDB_HOST
hostname of InfluxDB HTTP API (default: localhost)
--influxdb_port INFLUXDB_PORT
port of InfluxDB HTTP API (default: 8086)
--influxdb_user INFLUXDB_USER
InfluxDB username
--influxdb_pass INFLUXDB_PASS
InfluxDB password
--influxdb_db INFLUXDB_DB
InfluxDB database name (default: govee)
-v, --verbose verbose mode - show threads
To configure a service, create the file /etc/systemd/system/govee.service
and insert the following information:
Description=Govee Influxdb service
User=<user to run as>
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /full/path/to/ --influxdb --influxdb_user <infuxdb username> --influxdb_pass <influxdb password>
Make sure to specify the User to run as, the path to and the username and password for influxdb.
Then run the command to start the service: systemctl start govee
To make the service start automatically on boot, run the command systemctl enable govee
At anytime, check the status of the service with: systemctl status govee
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