git clone git:// ~/dotfiles
~/install # dotbot
Vim (esp. complex plugins) may complain about Python if that's not installed (use homebrew)
Tmux will quit with "[exited]" if homebrew hasn't been used to install reattach-to-user-namespace
Fedora needs dnf install xsel
to enable clipboard in [n]vim
Two interlinked versions of neovim are here:
- vim core - Lightweight, quick-launching copy.
- vim rice (vice) - Fuller of feature.
So there are three sets of files:
- nvim_shared - Config shared between both. This is where most keybinds should live, as well as plugins used by both.
- nvim_core - Config (especially plugins) used by the lightweight instance.
- nvim_rice - Config used by the heavyweight instance.
Common binds are:
- e - Edit "my" config (core or rice)
- s - Edit the shared config
Shared files are:
- plugins.vim - should only contain stuff for vim-plug, i.e. just declarations and comments.
- config.vim - shared configuration and keybinds, including any config for shared plugins.