fetch gitignore file from https://github.com/github/gitignore
pip install gitignorepy
fetch macos gitignore file and store it
$ gg fetch macos >> ~/.gitignore
fetch gitignore file for rust
$ gg fetch rust
# Generated by Cargo
# will have compiled files and executables
# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries
# More information here http://doc.crates.io/guide.html#cargotoml-vs-cargolock
# These are backup files generated by rustfmt
list all available gitignore files
$ gg list
- Actionscript
- Ada
- Agda
- Android
- WordPress
- Xcode
- XilinxISE
- Xojo
- Yeoman
- Yii
- ZendFramework
- Zephir
- macOS
Found 182 templates.
fuzzy search gitignore files containing "ru"
$ gg list ru
- Drupal
- Lazarus
- Ruby
- Rust
Found 4 templates.