Apache HTTP server balancer manager CLI
This is shell script for sending commands to Apache HTTP server balancer-manager manager using URI requests.
Usage: ./balancer-cli.sh [OPTION]... command [ARG]
Executes command in apache balancer manager.
--host host host of balancer manager (default localhost)
--port port of the balancer manager (default 80)
--path path of the balancer manager (default balancer-manager)
-h --help show this help
balancers list all balancers
enable <balancer> <worker> enable the worker in the specified balancer, clears the drain flag
disable <balancer> <worker> disable the worker in the specified balancer
drain <balancer> <worker> set the worker to drain mode in the specified balancer
./balancer-cli.sh --host localhost --port 80 balancers
disable the worker http://worker1:8080 in balancer bal1
./balancer-cli.sh --host localhost --port 80 disable bal1 http://worker1:8080
set the worker http://worker1:8080 in balancer bal1 to drain mode
./balancer-cli.sh --host localhost --port 80 drain bal1 http://worker1:8080
Script looks in current directory and then in user's home directory for file .balancer-cli
which can specify the hostname, port. One can use the template with default values, uncomment and copy into the user home directory.