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Taurus.DTS is Distributed task scheduler

中文 | English

# Taurus DTS distributed task scheduler, using Net Core Example::

Basic Description:

1. The framework is divided into Client (client, i.e. task initiator) and Server (server, i.e. method subscriber).

2. The framework supports four methods: real-time tasks, delayed tasks, Cron expression tasks, scheduled tasks, and broadcast tasks.

3. Parameters that need to be configured for the project: 1. Database (optional); 2. MQ (mandatory).

Data Storage:

Database selection (one of the more than 10 databases supported by CYQ. Data, such as MSSQL, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.)

The MSSQL configuration example is as follows:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DTS.Server.Conn": "server=.;database=MSLog;uid=sa;pwd=123456"

Message queue:

At present, the message queue supports RabbitMQ or Kafka (one can be configured):

  "AppSettings": {

The above configuration is for the server side, and the client can change the server to the client side。

Server side usage examples:

1、Nuget search Taurus Introducing DTC into engineering projects。

2、ASP.Net Core :Program or Startup add service usage introduction:


3、appsettings.json config:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DTS.Server.Conn": "host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;"
  "AppSettings": {
    "DTS.Server.Rabbit": ";guest;guest;/" //IP;UserName;Password;VirtualPaath

4、Select the corresponding dependency components for the database, such as MySql, which can:

You can search for MySql on Nuget Data, or CYQ Data MySql (which will automatically import MySql. Data) is available, just import the project.

5、Code writing can refer to the example code provided in the source code, the console demo as follows:

using System;
using Taurus.Plugin.DistributedTask;

namespace Console_App_Server {

 internal class Program
     static void Main(string[] args)

        DTSConfig.Server.Rabbit = ";guest;guest;/";
        //DTSConfig.Server.Kafka = ";";
        //DTSConfig.Server.Conn = DTSConfig.Client.Conn;

        DTSConfig.ProjectName = "ConsoleApp5";

        DTS.Server.Start();//start client and server




/// <summary>
/// server class need to public
/// </summary>
public class Server
    public static bool A(DTSSubscribePara para)
        para.CallBackContent = "show you a.";
        return true;

    private static bool B(DTSSubscribePara para)
        para.CallBackContent = "show you b.";
        return true;
    private static bool C(DTSSubscribePara para)
        para.CallBackContent = "show you c.";
        return true;

    private static bool D(DTSSubscribePara para)
        para.CallBackContent = "show you d.";
        return true;


Client Example of End Use:

1、Nuget search Taurus Introducing DTC into engineering projects。

2、ASP.Net Core : Program or Startup adding service usage introduction:


3、appsettings.json config:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DTS.Client.Conn": "host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;"
  "AppSettings": {
    "DTS.Client.Rabbit": ";guest;guest;/" //IP;UserName;Password;VirtualPaath

4、Select the corresponding dependency components for the database, such as MySql, which can:

You can search for MySql on Nuget Data, or CYQ Data MySql (which will automatically import MySql. Data) is available, just import the project.

5、Code writing can refer to the example code provided in the source code, the console demo as follows:

   using System;
using System.Threading;
using Taurus.Plugin.DistributedTask;

namespace Console_App_Client {

  internal class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        DTSConfig.Client.IsPrintTraceLog = false;
        //AppConfig.Redis.Servers = "";

        DTSConfig.Client.Rabbit = ";guest;guest;/";
        //DTSConfig.Client.Kafka = ";";
        DTSConfig.Client.Conn = "server=.;database=mslog;uid=sa;pwd=123456";

        DTSConfig.ProjectName = "ConsoleApp5";

        DTS.Client.Start();//start client and server
        Console.WriteLine("Input :1、2、3、4、5,Press Enter.");
        while (true)
            string line = Console.ReadLine();
            catch(Exception err)


/// <summary>
/// client class need to public if has callback method.
/// </summary>
public class Client
    public static void Run(int i)

        if (i == 2)
            //Publish a task with a 1-minute delay
            DTS.Client.Delay.PublishAsync(1, "i publish a delay task.", "DoDelayTask", "DelayCallBack");
            Console.WriteLine("Wait for 1 minute...");
        else if (i == 3)
            //Publish a cyclic task with a duration of 10, 30, and 50 seconds.
            DTS.Client.Cron.PublishAsync("10,30,50 * * * * ?", "i publish a timer task with cron express.", "DoCronTask", "CronCallBack");
            Console.WriteLine("Wait for execute task when second is 10,30,50...");
        else if (i == 4)
            // delete cron task.
            DTS.Client.Cron.DeleteAsync("DoCronTask", null, "CronCallBack");
        else if (i == 5)
            // publish a broadcast task.
            DTS.Client.Broadast.PublishAsync("i publish a task for all server.", "DoBroadastTask", "BroadastCallBack");
            for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
                // publish a instant task.
                DTS.Client.Instant.PublishAsync("i publish a task instantly.", "DoInstantTask", "InstantCallBack");

    private static void OnCallBack(DTSCallBackPara para)
        Console.WriteLine("Client callback : " + para.TaskType + " - " + para.CallBackKey + " - " + para.CallBackContent);


A comprehensive collection of various database linking statements


   Txt::  Txt Path=E:\
   Xml::  Xml Path=E:\
Access::  Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=E:\cyqdata.mdb
Sqlite::  Data Source=E:\cyqdata.db;failifmissing=false;
 MySql::  host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;
 Mssql::  server=.;database=cyqdata;uid=sa;pwd=123456;provider=mssql; 
Sybase::  data source=;port=5000;database=cyqdata;uid=sa;pwd=123456;provider=sybase; 
Postgre:  server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=123456;database=cyqdata;provider=pg; 
    DB2:  Database=SAMPLE;User ID=administrator;Server=;password=1234560;provider=db2; 
FireBird  user id=SYSDBA;password=123456;database=d:\\test.dbf;server type=Default;data source=;port number=3050;provider=firebird;
Dameng::  user id=SYSDBA;password=123456789;data source=;schema=test;provider=dameng;
KingBaseES server=;User Id=system;Password=123456;Database=test;Port=54321;schema=public;provider=kingbasees;
Oracle ODP.NET::
Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID = orcl)));User ID=sa;password=123456

Due to the basic consistency of various database linking statements, except for specific writing methods, they can be supplemented through linking:provider=mssql、provider=mysql、provider=db2、provider=postgre。