CryptoBot uses CryptoJS on most of the encrytion methods. You can use this application to view these encrytion and decryption process without headache.
yarn install
yarn start
yarn build // you need to modify the /build/index.html for the right <script src="">
electron .
electron-packager . --electron-version=1.8.4 --platform=darwin --icon=./logo.icns --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/ --appname=CryptoBot --overwrite
electron-packager . --electron-version=1.8.4 --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/ --appname=CryptoBot --overwrite
electron-packager . --electron-version=1.8.4 --platform=linux --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/ --appname=CryptoBot --overwrite
there may be some issues with the performance on win
Thanks for the new icon by Arslanshn