This is a Nagios plugin to check network traffic with NRPE on Linux. This script has been created because I like writing Python scripts.
Note that only myself tested this script so far. Feedbacks are very welcome.
- Python 2.x
- The python-argparse library
This script has been tested under Python 2.x only. I don't know if it works unders Python 3.
This script has been tested under Nagios 3.x only. I have no idea how it behaves with older versions.
How to get some help: --help
Query all interfaces except the loopback interface: -x lo
Query only eth1: -i eth1
Set warning value to 80% (default: warning=85, critical=98): -w 80
Define a Gigabit interface (the value must be in bytes): --bandwidth=131072000
Copyright 2012 Van Dyck Sven [email protected] (original perl version) Copyright 2012-2013 Samuel Krieg <my_first_name.my_last_name at gmail dot com> Copyright 2013 Cygnus Networks GmbH [email protected]
Van Dyck Sven did not specify a license for his works. According to the GitHub
terms of serivce the author implicitly allow anyone to view and fork his
sources. The contributions of *
are licensed under the
MIT/X11 license in the hopes that all authors license their works under a
compatible license such as GPL. The contributions from Samuel Krieg have been
licensed under the GPLv3 license.