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##Cygnite PHP Framework

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Cygnite Framework it's just a small footprint to give you the creative experience of developing a web application. Cygnite is beautifully crafted to make your job simple and better without being worried about performance.

You will find several eye catching features into Cygnite Framework.


The following versions of PHP are supported by this version.

  • PHP 7.0 and above
  • HHVM

Key Features -

  1. Powered By Composer.
  2. Zero Configuration.
  3. Powerful Craft Console On Top Of Symfony Console. Creating CRUD, Forms, Commands, Migrations and lot more Is Just Easy.
  4. Cyrus Lightweight ORM.
  5. As Simple For Begginer As Well As For Advance Developers.
  6. RESTFul Routing, Events, Controllers Helps You To Build Powerful API.
  7. Powerful IoC Container, HTTP Requests/Responses, Middlewares, Events, Bootstrappers, Services, Tracy Exception Handler etc.
  8. Integrated Third Party Payment Gateway, Social Authentication Libraries (Omnipay, Stripe, SocialOAuth etc.)
  9. Use Plain PHP Layout or Twig Template Engine.
  10. Use Classic Controllers, Service Controllers or HMVC Modules For Building Modular Application.

###Contributing To Cygnite Framework

Contribute on the development or its documentation, learn, get help and help others, find, report bugs, send us your feedback, send your wishlist for new features, write and send us patches for Cygnite Framework.

You can contribute into cygnite development different ways. Read more in official website-


The Cygnite Framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.