😄 An open-source Discord bot that protects tokens from bots sent in the chat!
🤖 A version of the bot, already hosted, is available!
➕ Click here to add the bot.
✨ To know the prefix of the bot, just mention the bot.
🙂 The default prefix is act!
➡ You must have Node.js.
➡ You must have a code editor (IDE), such as NodePad ++.
🙂 Before downloading the directory, please put a ⭐.
😛 Once you put a ⭐, you can download the directory.
💻 The Enmap database is used. Click here to see how to install it.
➡ In the folder you have downloaded, and also extracted, open the console, then install the dependencies with the command : npm install
⬇ Open the config.json
file, then enter the required information.
In settingsBot
, these are the parameters of the bot.
In token
, enter the token of your bot.
In defaultPrefix
, enter the prefix of your bot.
In settingsGitHub
, these are the GitHub parameters.
In token
, enter the token of your GitHub application. Get a token here !
In settingsEmbed
, these are the parameters of embeds.
In color
, enter the color.
In footer
, enter the footer.
In image
, enter the image of the footer.
In settingsEmojis
, these are the emojis parameters.
In ckeck
, enter your emoji.
In unckeck
, enter your emoji.
➡ Open the console, and start the autoclaimer with the command node act.js
➡The permissions your GitHub application must have are: gist
Good use!