NodeJS implementation of a server managing Twitch Webhook data for the Streams topic.
This is specific to my use case but might inspire your approach.
The node server provides endpoints to subscribe and unsubscribe to stream channels.
It also offers the endpoint for Twitch to call upon an event and another streaming endpoint for pushing the events.
It does basically anything that's required if you want to work with Twitch Webhooks including signing the and verifying the events among other chore.
Then there's an endpoint which you could use for your application to realize server-sent events for instance.
ENVIRONMENT TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET Twitch API client secret TWITCH_CLIENT_ID Twitch API client ID OPTIONS --no-signature Skip signature check --no-current-check Subscribe to Webhook even if there's not CWT tournament --port 80 Run on port 80 (defaults to 9999) --host This server's hostname (defaults to http://localhost) --help Display this help