By Sam Sehnert, Digital Fusion 2012
This is a CodeIgniter controller & view which acts as a drop-in controller for the built-in Migration class.
It provides a basic interface for migrating to specific file versions, and allows you to step through migration versions one at a time.
Simply copy the files from the download into their respective directories under the application directory.
- application/controllers/migrate.php
- application/views/migrate/migrate.php
And optionally use the config file for Basic Authentication when accessing the migrate controller.
- application/config/migration.php
You can optionally protect the migrations controller with Basic Authentication under a realm by simply adding these options into the Migrations config file.
| Migrations Basic Authentication
| Use this to require authentication before running migrations
| through the 'migrate' controller.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| ['migration_realm'] The authentication realm to use. Set to FALSE to disable Basic Authentication.
| ['migration_user'] The username used to access migrations
| ['migration_password'] The password used to access migrations
$config['migration_realm'] = 'CodeIgniter Migration'; // You can change this to whatever you like.
$config['migration_user'] = '';
$config['migration_password'] = '';