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Releases: cu-mkp/fieldnotes-content

v1.2.0 2021-06-15

15 Jun 20:02
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mainSpace/ + pre-2018-Fall/ and 2018-Fall/ + table_of_content.html --> i.e., capturing what is now found in the website.

As before, any binary content (i.e., non-html such as jpg, png, pdf, docx, etc.) and their containing directories have not been included here due to their large size.

v1.1.0 2021-06-15

15 Jun 19:54
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This release adds additional content (pre-2018-Fall/ and 2018-Fall/) from the AWS S3 fieldnotes bucket. These two directories are field notes created in Google Drive and subsequently exported as html and added to the S3 bucket.

pre-2018-Fall/ contains content created in the Google Drive during the lifetime of the Wiki but that were not added/created in the Wiki. These files are referenced or cited in M&K work and so were added to the field notes bucket in order to make them publicly accessible through the domain.

2018-Fall/ contains all field notes from Fall 2018, the first semester of the M&K Lab Seminar in which the Wiki was not used and all field notes were composed in the Google Drive.

As before, any binary content (i.e., non-html such as jpg, png, pdf, docx, etc.) has not been included here due to its large size.

v1.0.0 2021-06-15

15 Jun 19:20
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This is the original backup from the now-defunct Columbia University WikiScholars site that originally housed all field notes for M&K's Lab Seminar students, archived in August 2018. The files/ directory which contains all content referenced or linked in the html objects -- binary content (i.e., non-html such as jpg, png, pdf, docx, etc.) has not been included here due to its large size. It remains in M&K's AWS S3 bucket.

These field notes include the courses taught in FA14, SP15, FA15, SP16, FA16, SP17, SP17-DH, and FA17. (FA = Fall, SP = Spring)
The next time the course was offered was Fall 2018 (so there are no field notes for SP18) which were composed in the Google Drive rather than the Wiki.