Structure of the repo:
Hardware Requirements
- Container images, infrastructure, and hardware details.
Software Requirements
- Container images and included software.
Software Requirements for Containerized Execution
- Software and installation instructions.
Launching Experiments
- Commands for reproducing figures and tables.
Parsing Results and Plot Creation
- Location of results and plot creation commands.
Reusability using MLCommons
- MLCommons interface support and evaluation instructions.
- We will be using docker images to execute the experiments. All docker images have been created for X86-64 architectures so you need an X86-64 system.
- The experiments have been executed using a slurm based infrastructure. We strongly suggest executing the experiments using such an infrastructure.
- Each experiments takes ~5-10 hours to finish and requires about ~5-13GB of free memory.
- The dataset we used requires ~10GB of storage space.
Hardware infrastructure used:
1) Nodes used: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz
2) Slurm version: slurm-wlm 21.08.5
We have prepared container images which are uploaded publicly in Docker hub under the tags:
#Contains all the simulator dependencies
1. kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima
#Contains all python dependencies to reproduce the results of Table 2 and create all the plots
2. kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima_ptwcp_v1.1
These images contain all the necessary software to run the experiments such as:
- Sniper simulator dependencies
- Python dependencies for Pytorch, Matplotlib, Seaborn etc.
We need:
- Docker/Podman
- curl
- tar
- Debian-based Linux distribution
We used the following versions/distributions in our experiments:
- Docker version 20.10.23, build 7155243
- Podman 3.4.4
- curl 7.81.0
- tar (GNU tar) 1.34
- Kernel: 5.15.0-56-generic
- Dist: Ubuntu SMP 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
To install docker/podman execute the following script:
kanellok@safari:~/Victima$ sh docker
kanellok@safari:~/Victima$ sh podman
You need to cd back to the cloned repository since we executed:
su - $USER
to refresh the permissions.
1. Execute all the experiments of Victima to reproduce the figures of
the paper
2. Reproduce Table 2 which requires Neural Network inference
If your infrastructure supports Slurm:
kanellok@safari:~/$ cd Victima
kanellok@safari:~/Victima$ sh --slurm docker #(or podman)
If you need to run without a job manager (which we do not recommend)
kanellok@safari:~/$ cd Victima
kanellok@safari:~/Victima$ sh --native docker #(or podman)
1. Installs dependencies and Docker/Podman
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \sc
lsb-release \
# Add Docker’s official GPG key
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
2. Downloads the container image to run the experiments
docker/podman pull
3. Compiles the simulator
docker/podman run --rm -v $PWD:/app/ /bin/bash -c "cd /app/sniper && make clean && make -j4"
4. Creates a ./jobfile with all the slurm commands and decompresses the traces
docker/podman run --rm -v $PWD:/app/ kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima python /app/scripts/
tar -xzf traces.tar.gz
sbatch -J tlb_base_ideal_bc --output=./results/tlb_base_ideal_bc.out --error=./results/tlb_base_ideal_bc.err "docker run --rm -v /mnt/panzer/kanellok/victima_ae:/app/ kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima /app/sniper/run-sniper -s stop-by-icount:500000000 --genstats --power -d /app/results/tlb_base_ideal_bc -c /app/sniper/config/virtual_memory_configs/radix.cfg -g --perf_model/stlb/size=1536 -g --perf_model/stlb/associativity=12 -g --perf_model/tlb/l2_access_penalty=12 --traces=/app/traces/bc.sift"
sbatch -J tlb_base_ideal_bc --output=./results/tlb_base_ideal_bc.out --error=./results/tlb_base_ideal_bc.err "docker run --rm -v /mnt/panzer/kanellok/victima_ae:/app/ kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima /app/sniper/run-sniper -s stop-by-icount:500000000 --genstats --power -d /app/results/tlb_base_ideal_bc -c /app/sniper/config/virtual_memory_configs/radix.cfg -g --perf_model/stlb/size=1536 -g --perf_model/stlb/associativity=12 -g --perf_model/tlb/l2_access_penalty=12 --traces=/app/traces/bc.sift"
5. Submits the experiments to slurm
source jobfile
6. Runs the neural network inference experiments and outputs Table 2 in
``` bash
docker pull kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima_ptwcp_v1.1
docker run kanell21/artifact_evaluation:victima_ptwcp_v1.1
All the results of the experiments are stored under ./results.
Execute the following command to:
1. Parse the results of the experiments. All the results in tabular
format can be found under:
2. Create all the plots of the paper. All the plots can be found under:
3. Create csv with Table 2 under:
kanellok@safari:~/victima_artifact$ sh ./scripts/ docker #(or podman)
1. Creates a CSV file which contains all the raw results
docker/podman run --rm -v $PWD:/app/ python3 /app/scripts/
If one of the jobs is still running, the scripts/
gets invoked to print the status of the jobs ( Experiment name, Status {Running,Completed}, Time ) and informs about how many have been completed and how many are still running. The exits if all the jobs are not completed.
2. Creates all the plots under ./plots and outputs all plots in tabular format in ./plots_in_tabular.txt
docker/podman run --rm -v $PWD:/app/ python3 /app/scripts/ > plots_in_tabular.txt
We added support to evaluate Victima using the MLCommons CM automation language.
Make sure you have install CM. Follow this guide to install it.
Next install reusable MLCommons automations:
cm pull repo mlcommons@ck
Pull this repository via CM:
cm pull repo CMU-SAFARI@Victima
The core CM script for Victima will be available under /CM/repos/CMU-SAFARI@Victima/script/reproduce-micro-2023-paper-victima
It is described by _cm.yaml
and several native scripts.
Perform the following steps to evaluate Victima with MLCommons CM automation language:
- This command will install system dependencies for Docker and require sudo (skip it if you have Docker installed):
cmr "reproduce micro 2023 victima _install_deps"
- This command will prepare and run all experiments via Docker:
cmr "reproduce micro 2023 victima _run"
You can specify --job_manager and --container if needed:
cmr "reproduce micro 2023 victima _run" --job_manager=native|slurm --contianer=docker|podman
- In case of successful execution of a previous command, this command will generate plots to help you validate results from the article:
cmr "reproduce micro 2023 victima _plot"
The CM scripts for Victima will be available under /CM/repos/CMU-SAFARI@Victima/script/
|_install_dep |_produce-plots |_run-experiments
Perform the following steps to evaluate Victima with MLCommons:
- This command will install system dependencies for Docker/Podman and require sudo (skip it if you have Docker/Podman installed):
cm run script micro-2023-461:install_dep --env.CONTAINER_461="docker" #(or "podman")
- This command will prepare and run all experiments via the container:
#For slurm-based execution:
cm run script micro-2023-461:run-experiments --env.EXEC_MODE_461="--slurm" --env.CONTAINER_461="docker" #(or "podman")
#For native execution:
cm run script micro-2023-461:run-experiments --env.EXEC_MODE_461="--native" --env.CONTAINER_461="docker" #(or "podman")
- In case of successful execution of the previous command, this command will generate the the plots of the paper:
cm run script micro-2023-461:produce-plots --env.CONTAINER_461="docker" #(or "podman")