Cross Platform File Sharing Desktop Application.
To run the apps, you first have to download them. You can download the packages(zip files) from github releases. Follow these steps to download:
- Open the link of the repository.
- In the right side, you will see a heading saying releases. Just click on that and you'll be forwarded to the page where you can download the package as per your operating system.
- You can also add /releases at the end of repository URL, if you are unable to find it the usual way. **Example:**
- Unzip the file, and Run the executable, on Windows and Linux.
- MacOS: Use Unarchiver for extracting the .app file and run the file.
To report bugs and issues, follow these steps:
- Open the repository of the app that you want to report bugs in.
- Click on the issues tab .
- You will see a New button. Click on that to add a new issue.
- State the Bug/issue that you have identified in the app.
- Make sure to describe your issues with appropriate images/screenshots. We will count points for that.
- You can discuss with other collaborators regarding the issue. Make sure to do it formally.