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VizAOD - Visually assisted Annotation verification and adjudication for Objective Detection

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VizAOD - Visually assisted Annotation verification and adjudication for Objective Detection

The VizAOD application is an open-source tool designed to verify predicted annotations for object detection visually. The main focus is a simple and intuitive design that makes the process of manual confirmation of predicted labels as easy and fast as possible.

For demonstration purposes, we are using a subsample of the images and annotations of the PubLayNet dataset.

Preview GIF

Run the application

Before you start the application, make sure to install the required Python libraries by running the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Afterward, you can run the application by executing the command:


By default, the app will run on Open this address in your browser.


This application is designed to serve as a tool for verifying annotations in object detection tasks, incorporating a human-in-the-loop (HITL) process. We assume that your goal is to verify the annotations your model predicted in order to use approved or discarded annotations for subsequent training phases and model evaluation. The workflow with VizAOD is depicted in the figure and description below.

  1. Use the initial annotations for first model training initial training step -- constructing the initial object detection model.
  2. Predict annotations for a subset of the unlabeled images.
  3. Assessment of the predictions using the VizAOD tool.
  4. Adjudicating the results via a human-in-the-loop Adjudicator:
    4a. Approving annotations, if those are correct.
    4b. Discarding annotations, otherwise.
  5. Merging all labeled data, i. e. initial annotations and approved annotations, into a new training set.
  6. Iterative model training, i. e. performing further training steps, for constructing object detection models incrementally.

Workflow SVG


You can set the required paths in the Configuration card in the application. Please make sure to either set the paths relative to the directory from where you execute the app or provide absolute paths.

Configuration PNG

  • PATH_IMAGES should contain the path to the images you use. This path should contain both the labeled and unlabeled images.
  • PATH_ANNOTATIONS should contain the path to the CSV file containing the annotations you want to approve/discard.
  • PATH_APPROVED should contain the path to the CSV file where the approved annotations get stored.
  • PATH_DISCARDED should contain the path to the CSV file where the discarded annotations get stored.

Note that this application uses a specific CSV format for the annotations. Therefore, it comes with a conversion tool that can convert the common COCO JSON format into the CSV format used by this application.

Approving / discarding the predicted annotations

Start verifying your model's predictions by clicking on the Start button in the Configuration card. You can now approve or discard the model's predicted annotations by clicking on the buttons Approve / Discard. The approved and discarded annotations will automatically be stored in the CSV files given by the paths PATH_APPROVED and PATH_DISCARDED. If these files already exist, they will be loaded, allowing you to continue/review your previous progress.

Preview GIF

Conversion from COCO JSON to CSV

Since the VizAOD application uses a unique annotation format captured in CSV files, it comes with a script that can convert the common COCO JSON format into the CSV format this application is using. Our CSV annotations follow the structure below:

CSV column Meaning
image_name File name of the image
image_id ID of the image
image_width Width of the image
image_height Height of the image
annotation_id ID of the annotation
category Category of the annotation
category_id Category ID of the annotation
iscrowd Similar to "iscrowd" in COCO JSON
bbox_xmin X-min of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_ymin Y-min of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_xmax X-max of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_ymax Y-max of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_width Width of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_height Height of the annotations' bounding box
bbox_area Area of the annotations' bounding box
segmentation Segmentation of the annotation
segmentation_area Segmentation area of the annotation

You can either convert the annotations using the VizAOD application or the file as a standalone script.

Conversion using the VizAOD application

You can use the Convert Annotations button in the navigation bar of the VizAOD application to convert your COCO JSON annotations to the CSV format the application needs.

Conversion GIF

Conversion using the script

You can also use the script to convert your COCO JSON annotations.

Example usage:

python3 -i=demo/val.json -o=demo/val.csv



JSON to CSV annotation file converter for the COCO JSON annotation format.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_JSON_FILE, --input-json-file INPUT_JSON_FILE
                        Input JSON file.
  -o OUTPUT_CSV_FILE, --output-csv-file OUTPUT_CSV_FILE
                        Output CSV file. Defaults to the name of the input JSON file (with .csv extension instead of .json)


VizAOD - Visually assisted Annotation verification and adjudication for Objective Detection






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