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Releases: cryptosharks131/lndg

LNDg v1.9.1

09 Dec 18:20
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Minor Updates

Properly handle new inbound fees while a new channel is not yet found on the graph

Minor Docker related updates

See the v1.9.0 release page for more details:

LNDg v1.9.0

24 Sep 21:06
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New Features

Inbound fees can be set from the /advanced page (negative values only)

Inbound fees will be shown next to successful forwards when LNDg detects the inbound fee was used

Unify logs between docker and manual installers

Added setting LND-DisableMPP to force rebalances to not use MPP (available at: /api/settings/)

Stop dashboard auto-refresh if user is hovering an item

Fix issue where max fee rate can be ignored

Added a consolidate UTXOs button

Show attempted ppm when HTLC failure was fee insufficient

Write inbound flows in green text

Various improvements and bug fixes

IMPORTANT - Docker installs have changed!

Since the docker installs use the file during startup, you will need to update your docker-compose.yaml to use the updated options. The latest release of LNDg also removes the requirement to run supervisord.


  1. The -server option of has been renamed to -rpc.
  2. Using supervisord is no longer required
  3. All logs are directed to /var/log/lndg-controller.log
  4. Reduced image size using python:3-alpine

Sample docker-compose.yaml

    build: .
      - /root/.lnd:/root/.lnd:ro
      - /root/lndg/data:/app/data:rw
      - /root/lndg/data/lndg-controller.log:/var/log/lndg-controller.log:rw
      - sh
      - -c
      - python -net 'mainnet' -rpc 'localhost:10009' -wn && python runserver > /var/log/lndg-controller.log 2>&1
      - 8889:8000

LNDg v1.8.0

28 Dec 20:35
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New Features

Auto-refresh of home page every 21 seconds (this can be toggled off from the top right corner of the dashboard)

Adds unified backend controller - no longer need to setup each service individually (adds trading service)

Trading page to setup and manage trading of custom or selected node data (using trade-secrets)

Trade buys and sells can also be completed using the file from the command line

Logs page has been added at /logs and displays the last few lines of the controller output

Improved Auto-Fee logic

Recycle connection for peers with expiring htlcs within 13 blocks

More granular volume scores for suggested peers and shared trading data

Adds the oTarget% column to the active channels table on the home page

Expanded 'Load More' feature to payments and invoices

Routing volume stats next to active channels on the home page and now highlighted with a color gradient

Sign message api improvement and QR code generation

Adds a page at /reset that will allows users to see internal table counts and reset table data

Future dates are now shown as a proper relative time and no longer as Just now

Added Inflight and Pending rebalance sections to the lists on /rebalances

Disconnect peer button added on the /peers page

FeeLog has been added to the available api data endpoints

Adds a Logout button to the bottom of every page

Updated README file and added postgres setup doc

Added many hover tool tips for more insights and tips

Set a custom cookie expiration with using the -sessionage or --sessioncookieage flag

The file now accepts command line arguments instead of being interactive

Added fee bumps for pending sweeps

Removes django QR codes and any dependencies on this module

Various improvements and bug fixes

IMPORTANT - Manual Installers Read Before Updating!

REQUIRED: Run pip to install new required packages: bech32 + cryptography

Install missing modules with: .venv/bin/pip install bech32 cryptography

The django-qr-code module can optionally be removed as it is no longer used.

  1. Run: .venv/bin/pip uninstall django-qr-code
  2. Remove qr_code from the INSTALLED_APPS section of lndg/

RECOMMENDED: Update the systemd setup to use the new lndg-controller service.

This setup uses one service instead of 3 separate services to run the backend tools (data, rebalancer, htlc-stream). This will also enable the trading service and reading of LNDg logs directly from the web UI at the /logs page. You can optionally continue using the old systemd setup but may not benefit from newly added backend features and tools.

Stop and remove the old services:

sudo systemctl disable jobs-lndg.timer
sudo systemctl stop jobs-lndg.service
sudo systemctl disable rebalancer-lndg.timer
sudo systemctl stop rebalancer-lndg.service
sudo systemctl stop htlc-stream-lndg.service
sudo systemctl disable htlc-stream-lndg.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/jobs-lndg.timer
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/jobs-lndg.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/rebalancer-lndg.timer
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/rebalancer-lndg.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/htlc-stream-lndg.service

Setup the lndg-controller as described here:

LNDg v1.7.1

11 Jul 01:26
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Minor Updates

Allow for customization of the max message size for gRPC communications

Updated new default max gRPC message size to 35MB

Fixed small discrepancy for the first run of

Fixed a filtering issue for invoices

See the v1.7.0 release page for more details:

IMPORTANT - Manual Installers Read Before Updating!

MANUAL install users will need to update their file in order to support new settings.

Delete your file and re-initialize it OR add the required section manually in lndg/
rm lndg/



LNDg v1.7.0

02 Jul 20:27
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New Features

Update dashboard page to utilize APIs and speed load times

Updated AutoFees logic to be simpler and more consistent (added AF-LowLiq and AF-Excess variables)

Added LND version on hover + node color indicator

Update iTarget without needing to hit enter

Update fee rate from dashboard

Added simple chart to P&L page

Legacy address generation option added

Broadcast any raw TX from the /balances page

View previously generated onchain address on the /addresses page

Fix issue with /opens page that caused failed payment data to be used

Added opened_in to the returned values of the channels api

Fixed an issue causing dark-mode to stop working after browser exit

Added peer ping times to /peers page

Added push_amt and close_address to channels data for any current or future channels

Added Channel Notes section to channel pages; free text that saves automatically

Load more button for forwards, rebalances, failed htlcs and peer events

Removed flickering effect of the dark-mode setting

Using the new AF variables:
AF-LowLiq: Any channel with less liquidity than this will run a low liquidity fee algorithm.
AF-Excess: Any channel with more liquidity then this will run an excess liquidity fee algorithm.
Channels that do not fall within these two ranges will run a flow based algorithm.

IMPORTANT - Manual Installers Read Before Updating!

MANUAL install users are recommended to update their pandas to the latest version to avoid potential conflicts.

Use pip to update your pandas module: .venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pandas

LNDg v1.6.4

29 Apr 01:38
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Minor Updates

Fixes a rebalancer issue causing channels to stop targeting when certain status codes were returned

Manually submitted rebalance requests are now processed without needing to clear the current queue first

See the v1.6.0 release page for more details:

LNDg v1.6.3

08 Apr 12:41
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Minor Updates

Fixes manual rebalancer when not using a last hop pubkey

Fixes an issue that causes the rebalancer to get stuck for some users

See the v1.6.0 release page for more details:

LNDg v1.6.2

05 Apr 18:25
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Minor Updates

Additonal breaking change in pandas v2.0.0 release affecting AF

See the v1.6.0 release page for more details:

LNDg v1.6.1

04 Apr 03:36
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Minor Updates

Fix breaking change in pandas v2.0.0 release

See the v1.6.0 release page for more details:

LNDg v1.6.0

29 Mar 23:52
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New Features

Bump unconfirmed transactions from the /balances page

Aggregates all failed htlc records older than 30 days before removing them from the database

Add downstream htlc logging to

Reduce failed htlc recorded outgoing liquidity by channel reserve amount

Display aggregated downstream channel routes in last 7 days on failed htlc log page

Remove auto-adjusting AR targets

Calculator added to the batching page showing total to be opened and remaining balance

New UI theme added for improved light/dark modes

Capacity column has been merged with the liquidity bar

Improved liquidity bar for better visual accuracy

Organized node header statistics into a table format

Merged current app settings values with an improved form for a more efficient display

Add a sign message function on the home page

Auto updating of iTarget% and AR fields on the home page (no hitting enter or page refreshing)

Add function to cancel or repeat a previously submitted rebalance request

Prevent AR from taking an outgoing channel below its oTarget%

Retry rebalances that may have had a partial route available

Add copy button and QR codes for node addresses

Display messages will now disappear after a few seconds (excluding address generation)

Improve the loading time of the /rebalancing page

Merge the manual rebalance form with the channels list (now select outgoing channels from the table)

Various other fixes and improvements

IMPORTANT - Manual Installers Read Before Updating!

MANUAL install users will need to perform the following steps in order to support new settings.

First, install django-filter by running the requirements file again: .venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, it is advised to update your protobuf module: .venv/bin/pip install --upgrade protobuf

Last, delete your file and re-initialize it OR update the required section manually in lndg/
rm lndg/


Add this into the INSTALLED_APPS section:


Add this into the REST_FRAMEWORK section:

'DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS': ['django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend'],