A simple linear regression library written in C with a Python API.
Linear regression is a method used to estimate a linear function (y = wx + b) that best fits a given dataset. This is done using a technique called gradient descent. Gradient descent is a more general optimization technique that is used also in other forms of machine learning. Simply put, gradient descent is an efficient way to find the best values for the w and b in y = wx + b.
For now the library is capable of univariate linear regression only, meaning the dataset should only consist of a pair of variables (x and y).
To use the Python API simply import LinearRegressionModel from lib_linear_reg.py. Use the train() method to train the model, giving it two lists of integers (one for each variable). Once the model has been trained use the predict() method to create a prediction.
Check out example.py for an example of how to use the Python API.
- Precision
- Benchmarking
- Multivariate linear regression
- Plotting
- Parallelized gradient descent