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Releases: crew102/wosr


02 Nov 14:25
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New functions

  • pull_cited_refs() added to pull a publication's cited references (#5)
  • pull_related_recs() added to pull a publication's set of related references
  • create_ut_quereis() added to create a list of UT-based queries


  • An error is no longer thrown when user attempts IP-based authentication (#6)
  • write_wos_data() now creates the directory to write files to if it doesn't already exist


29 Sep 00:14
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New functions

  • query_wos_apply() and pull_wos_apply() added to issue multiple queries to the WoS API and pull the data for those queries, respectively


  • pull_wos() now returns empty data frames instead of NA if the user's query returns no results
  • pull_wos() explicitly casts all string fields to be character vectors, and pull_incites() now correctly casts the esi_most_cited_article field to be a logical vector (instead of a numeric)


27 Jul 17:50
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New functions

  • write_wos_data() and read_wos_data() added to write the data returned by pull_wos() as a series of CSVs and to read those CSVs back into R

Bug fixes

  • pull_wos() now sleeps one second whenever it encounters a throttling limit


03 May 04:16
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  • The InCites API was updated by Clarivate, including moving to a new endpoint URL and changing the order of fields returned by the "DocumentLevelMetricsByUT" method. Small changes to the internals of pull_incites() were made to reflect this.


06 Feb 15:11
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New functions

  • auth() added to get a session ID from WoS API server
  • query_wos() and pull_wos() added to query and download data from the WoS API, respectively
  • pull_incites() added to pull data from the InCites API