gha: add windows e2e #1865
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report
Jan 22, 2024 in 0s
20 tests run, 16 passed, 0 skipped, 4 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in Overall cluster health
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Overall cluster health
Step ensuring user is logged in succeeds: command 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p KEYFX-56eyb-vKhWY-iPnXD https://api.crc.testing:6443', expected to succeed, exited with exit code: 1
Command stdout:
Command stderr: error: The server uses a certificate signed by unknown authority. You may need to use the --certificate-authority flag to provide the path to a certificate file for the certificate authority, or --insecure-skip-tls-verify to bypass the certificate check and use insecure connections.
Check failure on line 1 in Mirror image to OpenShift image registry
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Mirror image to OpenShift image registry
Step ensuring user is logged in succeeds: command 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p KEYFX-56eyb-vKhWY-iPnXD https://api.crc.testing:6443', expected to succeed, exited with exit code: 1
Command stdout:
Command stderr: error: The server uses a certificate signed by unknown authority. You may need to use the --certificate-authority flag to provide the path to a certificate file for the certificate authority, or --insecure-skip-tls-verify to bypass the certificate check and use insecure connections.
Check failure on line 1 in Pull image locally, push to registry, deploy
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Pull image locally, push to registry, deploy
Step pulling image "", logging in, and pushing local image to internal registry succeeds: error running C:\Users\rhqp\.crc\bin\oc\podman.exe push default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps-crc.testing/testproj/hello:test --tls-verify=false:
Command stdout:
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:edce2a0bf77202cd1848777e8a15b7cdf2eca99a71d8cb46130b7a25be6475af
Copying blob sha256:53498d66ad83a29fcd7c7bcf4abbcc0def4fc912772aa8a4483b51e232309aee
Copying blob sha256:961b23c66ff99bb9060bf5677f8314bd3d451abe64ef3a97899e82d2dd9caff2
Error: writing blob: uploading layer to https://default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps-crc.testing/v2/testproj/hello/blobs/uploads/38e495d0-1b53-4346-bfa6-241ab9c4c1e2?_state=YiL--NFevnTH4TtPECx5fpI6RNd9nw6knLEf7gCrP-B7Ik5hbWUiOiJ0ZXN0cHJvai9oZWxsbyIsIlVVSUQiOiIzOGU0OTVkMC0xYjUzLTQzNDYtYmZhNi0yNDFhYjljNGMxZTIiLCJPZmZzZXQiOjc4NzcyNjU3LCJTdGFydGVkQXQiOiIyMDI0LTAxLTIyVDE4OjQxOjU2WiJ9&digest=sha256%3A8c8eab6870ec719f9fd1d7953e7407cc647f561f793a3a247ed0ab3cc4b8afa8: StatusCode: 400,
exit status 125
Check failure on line 1 in Install new operator
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Install new operator
Step ensuring user is logged in succeeds: command 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p KEYFX-56eyb-vKhWY-iPnXD https://api.crc.testing:6443', expected to succeed, exited with exit code: 1
Command stdout:
Command stderr: error: The server uses a certificate signed by unknown authority. You may need to use the --certificate-authority flag to provide the path to a certificate file for the certificate authority, or --insecure-skip-tls-verify to bypass the certificate check and use insecure connections.