jquery.linkcues.js is a jQuery plugin that adds CSS classes to links found within the element specified by the selector based on a predetermined set of characteristics.
- link directs the user to a different domain
- link directs the user user to a secure (https) page
- link directs the user user to an ftp site
- link is an email shortcut (mailto)
- link directs the user to a downloadable file (pdf, mp3, etc)
- link opens in a new window (configurable)
Click here to view a live demo.
options: A set of key/value pairs that configure settings for the plugin. All options are optional.
- filetypes: (type: String, default: "pdf") A comma-separated list of file extensions to scan links for.
- classPrefix: (type: String, default: "linkcues-") This string is prefixed to all classes used by the plugin.
- windowTarget: (type: String, default: "_blank") This determines what the new window target will be.
filetypes : 'pdf,mp3,doc',
windowTarget : '_new'