USE CASE: You have a local git repo that you wish to push to both your own git server, github and bitbucket.
- A local desktop or laptop with git installed
- Your own server with git installed
- Github account
- Bitbucket account
- Reads your local ~/.netrc
- Gets a repo name and description from arguments
- Builds a git repo locally
- Adds a and a LICENCE. Commits the changes.
- Builds a git repo hosted via your remote git server
- Adds a git hook for automatically pushing to configured remotes from your remote
- Adds a remote for github on your remote server.
- Adds a remote for bitbucket on your remote server.
- Creates a repo at GitHub.
- Creates a repo at bitbucket.
- Pushes to remote.
- If you don't already have one, copy the example netrc to ~/.netrc and replace the example content with your own credentials to GitHub and bitbucket.
- Copy the example timbrc to ~/.timbrc and set the variables to suit your own environment.
- Error handling. There's a lot more of it needed.
- Removing all the named repo's with a "-r" argument.
- Move handling of LICENCE and README files into options
- Make the socialrepos function iterate through a list of enabled git hosts