min-caml compiler for RISC-V Basic usage is same as original min-caml compiler. (https://github.com/esumii/min-caml)
- You can build the compiler by following code.
./to_riscv && make byte-code
- Compiling min-caml code is done by following code.(do not include .ml for the file name)
./min-caml hoge
- Test is executed by following code. Assembler(https://github.com/cpuex2019-7th/assembler) and simulator (https://github.com/cpuex2019-7th/simulator) have to be pre-installed.
make riscv_test
min-caml code is compiled with some library neccesary for raytracing program-sim
no need because the current version of simulator ignores first output word(do not emit 0xaa to the output file)
Raytracer program can be simulated by following code.(Assembler and simulater are neccessary)
./min-caml -g data/raytracer/minrt && cpuex_sld2bin data/raytracer/sld/contest.sld data/raytracer/sld/contest.sld.bin && cpuex_asm raytrace data/raytracer/minrt.s libmincaml.S && cpuex_sim raytrace -o output.ppm -i data/raytracer/sld/contest.sld.bin
You can do in following code instead. As default, file will be compiled with no inlining optimization and stat file 'stat.txt' and output figure 'output.ppm' will be created.
make raytrace
You can specify the iteration numbers(default: 1000), inline size(default: 0),
iteration times of optimization(default: 1000)INLINE
maximum size of inlined function(default: 0)STAT
stat file name(default: stat.txt)IMG
output image name(default: out.ppm) Example
make raytrace ITER=100 INLINE=30 STAT=example.txt IMG=example.ppm