This app allows researchers to evaluate the effect of command line parameter changes on Bowtie 2 and BWA-MEM alignments. Executing rshinyApp.R
begins the Mapper Parameter Visualizer app. This a general description of the pipeline used to generate data:
- Create the alignments using the scripts in
directories - Execute scripts in
- Run
to visualize data
script run to simulate Illumina paired-end reads using ART
script to generate all figures within the paper
code for RShiny application
scripts for generating the BWA-MEM alignments with all different parameters
scripts for generating the Bowtie 2 alignments with all different parameters
For all scripts in the analysis_scripts
directory, a primary script written in R or python is included as well as a bash script which shows how to execute the primary script. They are correspondingly named.
script used to compare the simulated read alignments to the correct ART alignment (written in python)
script used to downsample the depth of the reads (written in R) average is taken across 10,000 base pair windows
script used to isolate the mapping quality distributions of all reads (written in python, corresponds to