This is a small project I made as a child and uploaded to Github for saving the code. It is unmaintained and has bad coding habbits that I used to have in the past.
What you can do with this is to make an automated writer to type stuff for you You can also give it commands to do like "|w5000|" whitch will make it wait for 5 seconds the commands you can do are the following
either "|n" or new line for an enter press
"|N" for writing a "|"
"|wTime|" for waiting a time amount in milliseconds
NOT WORKING: "|rMin|Max|" gets a random number between Min and Max
"|lLine|" goto a certain line of the code
"|aDirection" can move the arrow in a certain direction. The directions are udlr
there is no actual way to stop it yet
You are able to do these charictors:
Not able to do these
And these charictors dont show