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Juno ALerting Automation Project contains regression test scenarios for Alerting MS
Types of Scenarios :
- CRUD Scenarios
- Consolidation Scenarios with different combinatios
- Snooze Scenarios with different combinatios
- Manual Closure scenarios
- Consolidation Parent closure scenarios
- Suspension scenarios on different level
- Permanent Consolidation scenarios
- Alerting Bridge Scenarios
- Filter Field and Legacy Id scenarios
- Negative Scenarios
How to set up this framework on local :
- Checkout project from GIT using proper credentials.
- Run "mvn update"
- Update tag in Runner Class [test/java/TestRunner]
- Run using TestNg Runner or mvn test command
- Result will come on Target Folder
- All feature file present in feature fodler under resources
- contains all API Path and Test Env links which is been used in this framework
- Test data present in Data folder under resources folder on Env level i.e. DT and QA.