is a workshop documentation with hands-on exercises for people already working with Kubernetes. Throughout the workshop a main Docker container will be used which is to be built and started in an interactive mode.
- Introduction of conplement AG
- Introduction of participants
- Check Prerequisites
- Align Agenda towards participants requirements
- Introduction to this github repository
- Setup Tooling for every participant (docker, azure, cli)
- Decide Team lineup for example work
☕ break
- Refreshing Kubernetes Core Concepts
- Azure and Kubernertes RBAC
- Kubernetes System Components
- AKS Subtleties
🍔 🍕 lunch
- Infrastructure Operations vs. Application Operations
- Infrastructure Operations
- Disaster Recovery
- Operations Best Practices
Infrastructure Deployment
- Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform (Hands On)
☕ break
Recap of DAY 1
- Scheduling internals
- Self-healing mechanisms
- Health checks
- Resource Management
- Resource quotas
- Hands-On with example application
☕ break
Application Configuration (Hands-On)
- Application Configuration with Config Maps and Secrets
- Application Configuration with Terraform
- Key Rotation
- Azure Key Vault
- Pod Identity
- Azure Key Vault with Pod Identity
🍔 🍕 lunch
Service Discovery (Hands-On)
☕ break
- Ingress (Hands-On)
- Egress
- Session Affinity
Recap of Day 2
- Debugging with Azure Dev Spaces
- Shell
- Kubectl Plugins
- UI Tools (Builtin Dashboard)
☕ break
- Node Autoscaling (Hands-On)
- Virtual Nodes
- Pod Autoscaling (Hands-On)
- Custom Metric Autoscaling
- Node Pools
🍔 🍕 lunch
- Recreate Strategy
- Ramped Deployment
- Blue Green Deployment
- Canary Releases
- Discussion - what do you have in production?
☕ break
Questions & Answers Feedback
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- Storages and Volumes
- CICD with Azure DevOps
- Monitoring with Prometheus
- Logging with ElasticSearch
- Dashboards with Grafana
- Security Hardening