Code for handling imbalanced data(SVM/Bagging SVM/Deep Learning)
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Python 3
PyTorch 1.3+ (feel free if it's a CUDA or CPU version) (Test with 2.0)
- First of all, you need to change your dataset path
- This experiment was written based on JupyterNotebook.
- Of course, if you are having trouble using jupyter, you can run three deep learning models in py format files.
- pos_weight
Which determines the magnification of the gradient when calculating the loss of subcategory samples
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.tensor(5))
- threshold
Classification confidence, as the final output of the model is a probability value, a normal 0.5 will directly lead to overfitting, which has a significant impact on the recall rate of subcategories
threshold = 0.2
- Why did the output of the model not use sigmoid mapping to 0-1? Because the gradient calculation of sigmoid on small class samples was not significant during the experimental process, and the model was more overfitting
- If the deep learning model does not display an image after running it in jupyter notebook, you may need to add
%matplotlib inline
in the first line
Added Minmax normalization in visualization