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Helpful utilities for writing applications with Ember Octane's revision tracking!


  • Ember.js v3.8 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v8 or above


ember install tracked-toolbox


Minimizing updates


Adds weak-caching to a getter, so that it tracks its execution, and only updates when tracked state that the getter used changes.

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { cached } from 'tracked-toolbox';

class Person {
  @tracked firstName = 'Tom';
  @tracked lastName = 'Dale';

  get fullName() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
When to use it

Sometimes, a given getter has to run an expensive computation, like a complex math calculation or a data fetch. In those cases, you may want to add a layer of caching -- but caching by value can also be very costly, especially if your cache key is an object, not just a simple value. @cached allows you to have a cache key that is extremely cheap: simply whether any of the tracked properties used by the getter have changed.

As with caching in general, you should still only apply this when you know you need it (measure the performance first!). While it is as cheap a kind of caching as possible, it is still not free, requiring both checking whether the tracked properties have updated and the memory cost of their previous values: low but definitely not zero!


Turns a field in a deduped @tracked property. If you set the field to the same value as it is currently, it will not notify a property change (thus, deduping property changes). Otherwise, it is exactly the same as @tracked.

import { dedupeTracked } from 'tracked-toolbox';

class Counter {
  @dedupeTracked count = 0;
When to use it

@tracked updates any time you set a value, even if it's the same value. So, for example, if a tracked property depends on user input, if they set it to the same value, it would trigger updates. Most of the time, this doesn't really matter, but sometimes updates depending on that can be very expensive. Using @dedupeTracked solves this problem, while adding the cost of a small cache.

As with the other caching utilities, don't reach for this every time: caching is sometimes more expensive than just recomputing values!

Forking tracked state

In general, you should prefer to derive component state from the arguments to the component, rather than creating new tracked state. However, there are times when a component actually does logically need to generate new tracked state which still needs to update when its arguments change, but which is still local to the component.


Creates a local copy of a remote value. The local copy can be updated locally, but will also update if the remote value ever changes:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { localCopy } from 'tracked-toolbox';

export default class CustomInput extends Component {
  // This defaults to the value of this.args.text
  @localCopy('args.text') text;

  updateText({ target }) {
    // this updates the value of `text`, but does _not_ update
    // the value of `this.args.text`
    this.text = String(target.value);

    if (this.args.onInput) {
      // this action could then update the upstream value

In this example, if args.text were to ever change externally, then the local text property would also update. The local copy is not a clone of the value passed in, it is the actual value itself, so values like arrays and objects will still be affected upstream if their values are changed.

An initializer can be provided as the second parameter to the decorator. This will be used if the remote value is undefined:

export default class CustomInput extends Component {
  @localCopy('args.text', 'placeholder') text;

If the initializer is a function, it will be called and its return value will be used as the default value.

You can also provide a getter function instead of a path to the decorator, which receives the object, key, and last as arguments:

export default class CustomInput extends Component {
  @localCopy((component) => component.args.text) text;

This allows you to get a remote value using more complex logic. You can also use this to do more complex logic for checking the value for changes, and for deriving the local value:

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @localCopy((component, key, last) => {
    let arr = component.args.arr;

    let changed = arr.some((value, index) => value !== last[index]);

    return changed ? arr.slice() : last;
  }) arr;

In this example, it allows you to have a local copy of an array. Mutations to the local array will not affect the upstream array, but changes to the upstream array will update the local copy.


Similar to @localCopy, but instead of copying the remote value, it will reset to the class field's default value when another value changes.

export default class CustomSelect extends Component {
  @trackedReset('args.selectableValues') selected = null;

You can also provide a configuration object with an update function, which can be used to provide a different value than the original on updates.

  memo: 'args.items.length',
  update(component, key, last) {
    return Math.min(last, this.args.items.length);
selectedIndex = 0;

memo must either be a path or a function that returns the value to memoize against.

When to use it

@trackedReset is primarily useful in contexts like a component which manages the state of an overall page, and therefore which needs to update when the page changes. For example, you might have a component which represents a form for a given profile, at /profile/:id. When navigating to edit a different profile, if you do not reset the internal state of the form component, it could end up preserving the previous profile's form data, since Ember will reuse the component instance and simply update its arguments.


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Helpful autotracking utilities







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