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School District Data from NCES

Public school data is exported from Private school data is downloaded from nces

Schema for US Private and Public Schools

name field_type
dataCurrentAsOf String
demographicsAmericanIndianAlaskaNativeCount Null
demographicsAmericanIndianAlaskaNativePercentage Null
demographicsAsianCount Null
demographicsAsianPercentage Null
demographicsBlackCount Null
demographicsBlackPercentage Null
demographicsHispanicLatinoCount Null
demographicsHispanicLatinoPercentage Null
demographicsNativeHawaiianPacificIslanderCount Null
demographicsNativeHawaiianPacificIslanderPercentage Null
demographicsTwoOrMoreRacesCount Null
demographicsTwoOrMoreRacesPercentage Null
demographicsWhiteCount Null
demographicsWhitePercentage Null
enrollmentGrade1 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade10 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade11 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade12 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade2 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade3 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade4 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade5 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade6 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade7 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade8 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentGrade9 Int32 OR Null
enrollmentKindergarten Int32 OR Null
enrollmentTotal Int32 OR Null
expendituresNonpersonnel Decimal128 OR Null
farmStudentsEligibleForFreeOrReducedPriceLunch Int32 OR Null
farmStudentsEligiblePercentage Double OR Null
fteAdministration Decimal128 OR Null
fteInstructionalAides Decimal128 OR Null
fteSupportStaff Decimal128 OR Null
fteTeachers Int32 OR Null
gradeRange String
gradesOfferedHighest String
gradesOfferedLowest String
isBureauOfIndianEducationSchool Bool OR Null
isCharter Bool OR Null
isElementarySchool Bool
isHighSchool Bool
isMagnet Bool OR Null
isMiddleSchool Bool
isPrivate Bool OR Null
isReligiousOrientation Null
isSharedTime Bool OR Null
isTitleIEligible Bool
isTitleISchoolWide Bool OR Null
isUngradedSchool Bool OR Null
isVirtual Bool OR Null
latitude Double
leaName Null OR String
locationCity Null OR String
locationStateAbbreviation Null OR String
locationStreet Null OR String
locationZip Null OR String
longitude Double
mailingCity String
mailingStateAbbreviation String
mailingStateName String
mailingStreet String
mailingZip String
name String
ncesLeaId String
ncesUniqueId String
percentTo4YearColleage Null
phone Null OR String
privateSchoolAssociationName Null
privateSchoolAssociations Array
salariesAdministration Decimal128 OR Null
salariesInstructionalAides Decimal128 OR Null
salariesInstructionalStaff Null
salariesSupportStaff Decimal128 OR Null
salariesTeachers Decimal128 OR Null
salariesTotal Decimal128 OR Null
schoolLevel Null OR String
schoolStatus Null OR String
schoolType Null OR String
titleIStatus Null OR String
urbanCentricLocale String

Schema for US LEAs

(Local Education Agencies)

Name Field Type
agencyCharterIndicator Null
agencyLevel String
agencyType String
countyCode String
countyName String
dataCurrentAsOf String
enrollmentEnglishLanguageLearners Null
enrollmentMigrantStudents Null
enrollmentSped Null
enrollmentTotal Int32
expendituresGeneralAdministration Decimal128 | Null
expendituresInstructionTotal Decimal128 | Null
expendituresInstructionalStaff Decimal128 | Null
expendituresSalariesTotal Decimal128 | Null
expendituresSchoolAdministration Decimal128 | Null
expendituresTechEquipment Decimal128 | Null
expendituresTechSuppliesServices Decimal128 | Null
expendituresTextbooks Decimal128 | Null
expendituresTotal Decimal128 | Null
financeDataCurrentAsOf Null | String
fteCoordinators Decimal128 | Null
fteInstructionalAides Decimal128 | Null
fteLeaAdministratorSupportStaff Decimal128 | Null
fteLeaAdministrators Decimal128 | Null
fteLeaSchoolAdministratorSupportStaff Decimal128 | Null
fteLeaSchoolAdministrators Decimal128 | Null
fteLeaStaffTotal Decimal128 | Null
fteSchoolStaffTotal Decimal128 | Null
fteStaffOther Decimal128 | Null
fteStaffTotal Decimal128 | Null
fteStudentSupportStaff Decimal128
fteTeachersElementary Decimal128 | Null
fteTeachersSecondary Decimal128 | Null
fteTeachersTotal Int32 | Null
fteTeachersUngraded Decimal128 | Null
gradeRange String
gradesOfferedHighest String
gradesOfferedLowest String
isBureauOfIndianEducation Bool
latitude Double
locationCity String
locationState String
locationStreet String
locationZip String
locationZip4 String
longitude Double
mailingCity String
mailingState String
mailingStateName String
mailingStreet String
mailingZip String
mailingZip4 String
name String
ncesUniqueId String
numberOfSchools Int32
phone String
revenueTotal Decimal128 | Null
stateLeaId String
urbanCentricLocale String


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