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File metadata and controls

671 lines (517 loc) · 20.4 KB

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Precompiler Overview
  3. Runtime Overview
  4. References
  5. Validators
  6. Runtime Compiler
  7. Initial Render
  8. Rerendering (Updating)
  9. The Environment
  10. Optimizations


Since the computation encapsulated in a reference can be arbitrarily expensive, it is usually a good idea to avoid recomputing its value() more often than necessary.

In particular, because references are modeling pure computations, there is no reason to recompute the value() of reference if its inputs has not changed. While it is not always possible to enumerate the inputs to a reference, it can be done in a lot of cases.

For example, Handlebars helpers are required to be pure functions that operate solely on their inputs (arguments). If the inputs have not changed, the result of the helper invocation will also remain unchanged.

Consider this simple example:

<p>{{uppercase (concat book.title ": " book.subtitle)}}</p>

The concat and uppercase helpers can be modeled as such:

class ConcatReference implements Reference<string> {
  private parts: Reference<string>[];

  constructor( Reference<string>[]) { = parts;

  value(): string {
    return => reference.value()).join('');

class UppercaseReference implements Reference<string> {
  private str: Reference<string>;

  constructor(str: Reference<string>) {
    this.str = str;

  value(): string {
    return this.str.value().toUpperCase();


// <p>{{uppercase (concat book.title ": " book.subtitle)}}</p>

let book = {
  title: 'The Lord of the Rings',
  subtitle: 'The Fellowship of the Ring'

let titleReference: Reference<string> = {
  value() {
    return book.title;

let seperatorReference: Reference<string> = {
  value() {
    return ': ';

let subtitleReference: Reference<string> = {
  value() {
    return book.subtitle;

let result: Reference<string> = (
  new UppercaseReference(
    new ConcatReference(


book.subtitle = 'The Two Towers';

result.value(); // => 'THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS'

In this case, the inputs to both ConcatReference and UppercaseReference are quite clear: ConcatReference takes an array of references as input, therefore it only needs to be recomputed if and only if any of the input references have "changed" (i.e. a "reduce" operation); on the other hand, UppercaseReference takes a single reference as input, so it should be recomputed if and only if the input reference has "changed" (i.e. a "map" operation).

This presents a recursive problem – we know how to model the freshness of a ConcatReference and UppercaseReference as long as we also have a way to model the freshness of their input references. In other words, we need a system that allows us describe the freshness of a computation in terms of their inputs.

The validators system in Glimmer is designed to solve exactly this problem. For now, we will set aside the fundamental question of how to derive the freshness of a computation in the first place and focus on the composition aspect of the validators system.

Entity Tags

The core primitive of the validators system is called an EntityTag. An entity tag is a stable object that provides certain guarantees about the freshness of a computation result. It has the following interface:

interface EntityTag<T> {
  value(): T;
  validate(ticket: T): boolean;

Specifically, each entity tag has a value() method that returns an opaque validation ticket which encodes the current state of the computation.

The validation ticket can later be passed back into the validate method on the same entity tag, which returns a boolean value indicating whether the computation result might have changed since the validation was produced.

Specifically, if validate returns true for the given validation ticket, it is guaranteed that the computation result has not changed since the validation ticket was produced. In other words, if you have cached the result of the computation at the same time (more precisely – the same "time step" of the discrete system) when the validation ticket was produced, it is not necessary to rerun the same computation again since the result would be equivalent.

On the other hand, if validate returns false, the computation might have changed since the validation ticket was produced. Any cached result can no longer be relied on and a recomputation is necessary.

However, a negative validation does not imply rerunning the computation would always yield a different result – it merely means that the entity tag can no longer be certain about the freshness of the computation. In other words, it operates like a bloom filter in that false positives are explicitly allowed and expected from time to time.

Aside: if you are paying close attention, you might notice that EntityTag happens to implement the Reference interface! While interesting, this does not have much practical implications. However, it is helpful to remember that, just like references, entity tags are stable, long lived objects that a can be held on to by a consumer and queried repeatedly.

Entity Tags in HTTP

The entity tag system in Glimmer is inspired by a similar system in the HTTP protocol. Understanding its origin might be helpful for understanding some of the operational details of the Glimmer validators system.

In the HTTP protocol, entity tags (or "ETags") are used to handle revalidation of cached web content. When rendering a page, an HTTP server can optionally include an ETag header in the response. For example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
ETag: "0267aa812d66aafb7c4ffb790d8b5ffc"
Content-Length: 12

Hello world!

The ETag header here is an opaque validator chosen by the server that encodes information about this response. For example, a common implementation is an MD5 hash (or any other hash functions) of the response body.

The browser can then cache the response alongside with the ETag. When the user requests the same page again, it could send a "conditional GET" request to the server with the cached ETag:

GET /motd HTTP/1.1
If-None-Match: "0267aa812d66aafb7c4ffb790d8b5ffc"

At this point, the server can do whatever it takes to determine the freshness of the cached content. For example, the server can re-apply the same hash function to the document and compare that against the ETag supplied by the client.

After this process, if the server determined that the cached content is still valid, it can then send an empty "Not Modified" response and avoid transmitting the same content again:

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 00:30:00 GMT
ETag: "0267aa812d66aafb7c4ffb790d8b5ffc"
Content-Length: 0

Since the server has confirmed that the cached content is still valid, the browser can simply fetch the document from its local cache and display it to the user.

Alternatively, the server might find that a new version of the document has been uploaded since then, meaning that the browser's cached copy has become stale.

In this case, the server could simply return the new content along with a new ETag:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
ETag: "9e3299e7c8dabfb0aca9aee52a129cca"
Content-Length: 14

Goodbye world!

In this case, the browser would evict the old content from its cache, cache the new version of the document along with the new ETag and display the new content to the user.

Entity Tags in Glimmer

While entity tags serve a slightly different purpose in Glimmer, the idea is similar.

Let's define an extension to the Reference interface that requires each reference to have a corresponding tag that guarantees the freshness of its value() method:

interface Tagged {
  tag: EntityTag<any>;

interface TaggedReference<T> extends Reference<T>, Tagged {

We will continue to defer the question of how exactly do we derive the freshness of a reference in the first place. For now, take a leap of faith and assume that they do work, and that tag revalidation is cheap relative to recomputing the value() of a reference.

With this infrastructure in place, we can finally apply this to our helper references.

Let's start with UppercaseReference. If you recall, UppercaseReference needs to be recomputed if and only if its input reference has changed. Therefore, we can simply reuse the input reference's entity tag:

class UppercaseReference implements TaggedReference<string> {
  public tag: EntityTag<any>;
  private str: Reference<string>;

  constructor(str: TaggedReference<string>) {
    this.tag = str.tag;
    this.str = str;

  value(): string {
    return this.str.value().toUpperCase();

On the other hand, ConcatReference needs to be computed if and only if any of its input references has changed, so we need to combine the input tags into a composite tag:

class ConcatReference implements TaggedReference<string> {
  public tag: EntityTag<any>;
  private parts: TaggedReference<string>[];

  constructor( TaggedReference<string>[]) {
    let tags = => reference.tag);
    this.tag = new CompositeTag(tags); = parts;

  value(): string {
    return => reference.value()).join('');

class CompositeTag implements EntityTag<any[]> {
  private tags: EntityTag<any>[];

  constructor(tags: EntityTag<any>[]) {
    this.tags = tags;

  value(): any[] {
    return => tag.value());

  validate(tickets: any[]): boolean {
    return this.tags.every((tag, i) => tag.validate(tickets[i]));

Finally, we can put all of these together and write a very simple renderer that renders a reference into a single text node and keeps it up-to-date:

class SimpleRenderer {
  private reference: TaggedReference<string>;
  private lastTicket: any;
  private textNode: Text;

  constructor(reference: TaggedReference<string>) {
    this.reference = reference;
    this.lastTicket = null;
    this.textNode = null;

  render(parentNode = document.body) {
    let { reference } = this;

    this.lastTicket = reference.tag.value();

    let text = reference.value();
    let textNode = this.textNode = document.createTextNode(text);


  rerender() {
    let { reference, lastTicket } = this;

    if (!reference.tag.validate(lastTicket)) {
      this.textNode.textContent = reference.value();
      this.lastTicket = reference.tag.value();

Although very basic, this renderer is smart enough to use the entity tags on the references to avoid unnecessary DOM updates. Fundamentally, this is very similar to how Glimmer renders simple curlies (e.g. {{foo}}) into the DOM.

Revision Tags

While the abstract concept of entity tags is very flexible, it leaves open the important question of how to encode freshness information into a validation ticket up to each individual entity tag implementation.

Furthermore, since we cannot make any assumptions about the semantics of these encodings, the only way to combine multiple tags is to store one validation ticket per entity tag and later validate each of the store tickets with the corresponding tag, e.g. the CompositeTag class used in the ConcatReference example.

Since combining tags from multiple input sources is a very common pattern, it is very important that it can be implemented as efficiently as possible (both in terms of space and time complexity).

To address this issue, Glimmer uses a specialized variant of the entity tag system called revision tags. This limitation might be loosened in the future in favor of letting the host environment supply its own entity tag system.

The revision tag system is based around the idea of a global revision counter. The global revision counter is a monotonically increasing sequence, which is just a fancy way of saying that it's a global number that only increases but never decreases.

Conceptually, a discrete system (which is what Glimmer assumes) can be modeled as a series of state transitions. The global revision counter is incremented by one every time the system undergoes a state transition. In other words, the global revision counter is incremented every time a variable is changed in the system.

In practice, we are only concerned with a subset of all state changes that are observable from the perspective of the templating system. For example, when a variable that is not part of any template is modified, it is not particularly important that the global revision counter is incremented.

In addition to the global counter, each (observable) object in the system has an internal "last modified" revision counter. Every time an object is modified, this counter will be set to the current value of the global revision counter (after the global revision counter has been incremented).

The easiest way to implement this is with a collaborating object model. For example, all observable changes in Ember are already required to go through the Ember.set function. This is a perfect opportunity to increment both the global and per-object revision counters.

These primitives lay out the foundation for the revision tag system. If we can assume each observable object in the system has a lastModified counter, then it would be possible to construct an entity tag for each object where the validation ticket is the current value of the lastModified counter. This tag will guarantee the freshness of any first-level path lookups on that object. In other words, all property lookups on an object will have the same result so long as the lastModified remain unchanged.

The following is a simplified implementation of the system. The only departure from the description above is that the lastModified counter is tracked inside the tag for an object instead of being a separate field on the object. (Besides simplifying the implementation, it also avoids keeping a pointer from the tag back to the object).

type Revision = number;

type RevisionTag = EntityTag<Revision>;

let $REVISION_COUNTER: Revision = 1;

interface TrackedObject {
  tag: DirtyableTag;

class DirtyableTag implements RevisionTag {
  private lastRevision: Revision;

  constructor() {
    this.lastRevision = $REVISION_COUNTER;

  value(): Revision {
    return this.lastRevision;

  validate(ticket: Revision): boolean {
    return ticket === this.lastRevision;

  dirty() {
    this.lastRevision = ++$REVISION_COUNTER;

function set(object: TrackedObject, property: string, value: any) {
  return object[property] = value;


let person: TrackedObject = {
  tag: new DirtyableTag(),
  name: 'Godfrey Chan'

person.tag.value(); // => 1

set(person, 'name', 'Yehuda Katz');

person.tag.validate(1); // => false
person.tag.value(); // => 2

Having a tag on each object allows references to bridge the pure and impure parts of the system and propagate freshness information across the entire reference chain.

For example, this is the updated implementation of UppercaseReference:

interface VersionedReference<T> extends Reference<T> {
  tag: RevisionTag;

class UppercaseReference implements VersionedReference<string> {
  public tag: RevisionTag;
  private str: Reference<string>;

  constructor(str: VersionedReference<string>) {
    this.tag = str.tag;
    this.str = str;

  value(): string {
    return this.str.value().toUpperCase();


const person: TrackedObject = {
  tag: new DirtyableTag(),
  name: 'Godfrey Chan'

let nameReference: VersionedReference<string> = {
  tag: person.tag,

  value() {

let uppercaseReference = new UppercaseReference(nameReference);

uppercaseReference.value();         // => 'GODFREY CHAN'
uppercaseReference.tag.value();     // => 1
uppercaseReference.tag.validate(1); // => true

set(person, 'name', 'Yehuda Katz');

uppercaseReference.tag.validate(1); // => false
uppercaseReference.value();         // => 'YEHUDA KATZ'
uppercaseReference.tag.value();     // => 2

Since we can now assume that validation tickets are revision numbers, we can combine them much more efficiently by just returning the largest validation ticket. Here is the updated implementation of of ConcatReference (and CompositeTag):

class ConcatReference implements VersionedReference<string> {
  public tag: RevisionTag;
  private parts: VersionedReference<string>[];

  constructor( VersionedReference<string>[]) {
    let tags = => reference.tag);
    this.tag = new CompositeTag(tags); = parts;

  value(): string {
    return => reference.value()).join('');

class CompositeTag implements RevisionTag {
  private tags: RevisionTag[];

  constructor(tags: RevisionTag[]) {
    this.tags = tags;

  value(): Revision {
    let tickets = => tag.value());
    return Math.max(;

  validate(ticket: Revision): boolean {
    return ticket === this.value();

Semantically, this is equivalent to saying a ConcatReference is last modified when any of its input references was last modified, which is equivalent to saying a ConcatReference needs to be recomputed if and only if any of its input references needs to be recomputed.

The revision tag system also has a few "special" tags.

The constant tag has a value() of 0, which is smaller than the initial revision number. This can be used to model computation and values that can never changed, such as primitive values:

const CONSTANT_TAG: RevisionTag = {
  value() {
    return 0;

  validate(ticket: Revision) {
    return ticket === 0;

const NULL_REFERENCE: VersionedReference<void> = {

  value() {
    return null;

The volatile tag has a value() of NaN. This has two interesting properties. First, because Math.max(..., NaN, ...) returns NaN, the NaN ticket will dominate any other tickets in a composite tag. Second, because NaN !== NaN in JavaScript, the tickets given out by this tag will never be valid.

Essentially, the volatile tag is a "poison" tag that will cause the entire reference chain to become volatile. This is very useful for modeling computations that depend on values (or events) outside of the boundaries of the collaborating object model (such as objects that can be mutated without going through Ember.set):

const VOLATILE_TAG: RevisionTag = {
  value() {
    return NaN;

  validate(ticket: Revision) {
    return false; // NaN !== NaN

let currentTime: VersionedReference<number> = {

  value() {

let $input = $('input');

let currentInputValue: VersionedReference<string> = {

  value() {
    return $('input').val();

The current tag has a value() of the current value of the global revision counter. This is useful for tracking computations involving unspecified inputs that are known to be within boundaries of the collaborating object model, because the tickets will be invalidated as soon as anything inside the system has changed:

const CURRENT_TAG: RevisionTag = {
  value() {

  validate(ticket: Revision) {
    return ticket === $REVISION_COUNTER;

Alternatively, without a collaborating object model, this tag can be used in all root references that bridge the untracked objects into the system. The revision counter can be artificially incremented once just before entering the global render loop: this will ensure that each computation is only performed once inside each render loop. This assumes the templates are side-effects-free.

Together, this set of primitives allows us to implement a very efficient yet expressive dirty-tracking system without notifications and subscriptions within the reference chain.

Next: Runtime Compiler »