Server for stable, curated Haskell package sets
This repo is part of the Stackage project, and the live server can be viewed at
Build locally by passing the dev
flag to it:
$ stack build . --flag stackage-server:dev
To test the UI without real data, just run:
$ yesod devel
(install the yesod executable from yesod-bin).
Now, initially you need to run the cron job to create and populate the database:
$ export PGSTRING=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/stackage
$ stack exec stackage-server-cron
Note that you need to modify the PGSTRING environment variable according to your actual database configuration. Also, you need to create an empty database before running the cron job. Note that it takes quite some time for it to load your database.
After this, run the stackage server:
$ export PGSTRING=postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/stackage
$ stack exec stackage-server