- This is the source code for battleforthenet.com!
Don't let the FCC kill net neutrality! The Battle for the Net is a collaboration between Fight for the Future, Demand Progress and a coalition of people and companies who care about keeping the Internet free. If you have a web site, you can get involved by embedding our FCC Contact Form. Or, if you have technical skills and time to volunteer, you can help us win one of the biggest fights for Internet freedom EVER!
We've created a form that lets people directly contact the FCC to comment on their "14-28 Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" proposal, which could actually destroy the Internet by allowing ISPs to extort money from web sites and startups.
If you want to embed our contact form, use the following code: (See it in action at netneutrality.com!)
<iframe src="https://www.battleforthenet.com/embed.html"
style="width: 100%; height: 480px;"></iframe>
We are looking for skilled web developers to help us build the front page on our battleforthenet.com site. You can see our code right in this Github repo by switching to the gh_pages branch, and you can see the work we need done on our Battle for the Net Trello board!
If you're interested in volunteering, contact [email protected]