This is a collection of my personal dotfiles and quickstart to get up and running on a new system.
The following is intended to get things up and running quickly, we will:
- Install Homebrew (OSX Package Manager), or 'brew'
- Using brew, install packages defined in Brewfile
- Using Ansible (installed via Homebrew) install configurations
# Runs 'brew bundle' and 'ansible-playbook'
$ ./
Install neovim
via pip3
- Launch
- Run
- Run
Within Finder press Command+Shift+Dot
to show hidden files, this will be needed for importing color themes into iTerm2. Current preference is materialshell-dark
Install 'code' binary in PATH
- Launch VS Code.
- Open the Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P) and type 'shell command' to find the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.
Running the '' script will update packages installed via Brew.
It will also install any new packages that have since been defined in Brewfile.
$ ./