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Merge upstream 31102024 (#7)
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* chore(release): 2.3.226 [skip ci]

## [2.3.226](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.225...v2.3.226) (2024-08-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([83b9eb5](scratchfoundation@83b9eb5))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.227 [skip ci]

## [2.3.227](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.226...v2.3.227) (2024-08-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([f58faf6](scratchfoundation@f58faf6))

* chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.25.4

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.228 [skip ci]

## [2.3.228](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.227...v2.3.228) (2024-08-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([9af9c01](scratchfoundation@9af9c01))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.229 [skip ci]

## [2.3.229](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.228...v2.3.229) (2024-08-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([7f918ed](scratchfoundation@7f918ed))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.230 [skip ci]

## [2.3.230](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.229...v2.3.230) (2024-08-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([920a963](scratchfoundation@920a963))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.231 [skip ci]

## [2.3.231](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.230...v2.3.231) (2024-08-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([1a3ea81](scratchfoundation@1a3ea81))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.232 [skip ci]

## [2.3.232](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.231...v2.3.232) (2024-09-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([79cd9e5](scratchfoundation@79cd9e5))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.233 [skip ci]

## [2.3.233](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.232...v2.3.233) (2024-09-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([1169792](scratchfoundation@1169792))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.234 [skip ci]

## [2.3.234](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.233...v2.3.234) (2024-09-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([622723c](scratchfoundation@622723c))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.235 [skip ci]

## [2.3.235](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.234...v2.3.235) (2024-09-05)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([66f7d47](scratchfoundation@66f7d47))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.35.1

* chore(release): 2.3.236 [skip ci]

## [2.3.236](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.235...v2.3.236) (2024-09-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([1adfa1e](scratchfoundation@1adfa1e))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.35.2

* chore(release): 2.3.237 [skip ci]

## [2.3.237](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.236...v2.3.237) (2024-09-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([ab402c0](scratchfoundation@ab402c0))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.238 [skip ci]

## [2.3.238](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.237...v2.3.238) (2024-09-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([428f20a](scratchfoundation@428f20a))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.239 [skip ci]

## [2.3.239](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.238...v2.3.239) (2024-09-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([5597ba2](scratchfoundation@5597ba2))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.240 [skip ci]

## [2.3.240](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.239...v2.3.240) (2024-09-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([90f4296](scratchfoundation@90f4296))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.241 [skip ci]

## [2.3.241](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.240...v2.3.241) (2024-09-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([30b8e2b](scratchfoundation@30b8e2b))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* fix(deps): update dependency scratch-semantic-release-config to v1.0.15

* chore(release): 2.3.242 [skip ci]

## [2.3.242](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.241...v2.3.242) (2024-09-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** update dependency scratch-semantic-release-config to v1.0.15 ([47a03a2](scratchfoundation@47a03a2))

* chore(release): 2.3.243 [skip ci]

## [2.3.243](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.242...v2.3.243) (2024-09-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([a36bf67](scratchfoundation@a36bf67))

* fix(deps): update dependency scratch-semantic-release-config to v1.0.16

* chore(release): 2.3.244 [skip ci]

## [2.3.244](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.243...v2.3.244) (2024-09-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** update dependency scratch-semantic-release-config to v1.0.16 ([6ce9b81](scratchfoundation@6ce9b81))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* style(deps): update dependency eslint-config-scratch to v9.0.9

* chore(release): 2.3.245 [skip ci]

## [2.3.245](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.244...v2.3.245) (2024-09-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([427d9bd](scratchfoundation@427d9bd))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.246 [skip ci]

## [2.3.246](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.245...v2.3.246) (2024-09-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([97ed03e](scratchfoundation@97ed03e))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.247 [skip ci]

## [2.3.247](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.246...v2.3.247) (2024-09-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([bf6c2df](scratchfoundation@bf6c2df))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.248 [skip ci]

## [2.3.248](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.247...v2.3.248) (2024-09-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([4e95479](scratchfoundation@4e95479))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.249 [skip ci]

## [2.3.249](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.248...v2.3.249) (2024-09-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([14998f2](scratchfoundation@14998f2))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.250 [skip ci]

## [2.3.250](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.249...v2.3.250) (2024-09-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([40ed4a0](scratchfoundation@40ed4a0))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.36.0

* chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.13

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.36.1

* chore(release): 2.3.251 [skip ci]

## [2.3.251](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.250...v2.3.251) (2024-09-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([b7e3f53](scratchfoundation@b7e3f53))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.252 [skip ci]

## [2.3.252](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.251...v2.3.252) (2024-09-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([ce2f6ec](scratchfoundation@ce2f6ec))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.253 [skip ci]

## [2.3.253](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.252...v2.3.253) (2024-09-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([804bd32](scratchfoundation@804bd32))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.254 [skip ci]

## [2.3.254](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.253...v2.3.254) (2024-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([0c89f23](scratchfoundation@0c89f23))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update dependency babel-loader to v8.4.0

* chore(deps): update dependency babel-loader to v8.4.1

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.57.1

* chore(release): 2.3.255 [skip ci]

## [2.3.255](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.254...v2.3.255) (2024-09-20)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([938b93d](scratchfoundation@938b93d))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.256 [skip ci]

## [2.3.256](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.255...v2.3.256) (2024-09-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([4b05798](scratchfoundation@4b05798))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.257 [skip ci]

## [2.3.257](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.256...v2.3.257) (2024-09-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([80a5aeb](scratchfoundation@80a5aeb))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.258 [skip ci]

## [2.3.258](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.257...v2.3.258) (2024-09-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([85b047e](scratchfoundation@85b047e))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.259 [skip ci]

## [2.3.259](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.258...v2.3.259) (2024-09-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([b9ce028](scratchfoundation@b9ce028))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.260 [skip ci]

## [2.3.260](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.259...v2.3.260) (2024-09-24)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([80abe28](scratchfoundation@80abe28))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.261 [skip ci]

## [2.3.261](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.260...v2.3.261) (2024-09-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([5d02197](scratchfoundation@5d02197))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.262 [skip ci]

## [2.3.262](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.261...v2.3.262) (2024-09-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([77b2e68](scratchfoundation@77b2e68))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.263 [skip ci]

## [2.3.263](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.262...v2.3.263) (2024-09-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([51ea0f8](scratchfoundation@51ea0f8))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.264 [skip ci]

## [2.3.264](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.263...v2.3.264) (2024-09-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([e0dc279](scratchfoundation@e0dc279))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.265 [skip ci]

## [2.3.265](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.264...v2.3.265) (2024-09-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([c7c189d](scratchfoundation@c7c189d))

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.0

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.266 [skip ci]

## [2.3.266](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.265...v2.3.266) (2024-10-01)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([144b2ea](scratchfoundation@144b2ea))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.267 [skip ci]

## [2.3.267](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.266...v2.3.267) (2024-10-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([67a6915](scratchfoundation@67a6915))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.268 [skip ci]

## [2.3.268](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.267...v2.3.268) (2024-10-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([ddf8888](scratchfoundation@ddf8888))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.269 [skip ci]

## [2.3.269](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.268...v2.3.269) (2024-10-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([07ac7e7](scratchfoundation@07ac7e7))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.270 [skip ci]

## [2.3.270](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.269...v2.3.270) (2024-10-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([cde4646](scratchfoundation@cde4646))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.271 [skip ci]

## [2.3.271](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.270...v2.3.271) (2024-10-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([c58f10e](scratchfoundation@c58f10e))

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.1

* chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.25.7

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.272 [skip ci]

## [2.3.272](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.271...v2.3.272) (2024-10-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([7b0af34](scratchfoundation@7b0af34))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.273 [skip ci]

## [2.3.273](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.272...v2.3.273) (2024-10-06)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([30bd9e7](scratchfoundation@30bd9e7))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.274 [skip ci]

## [2.3.274](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.273...v2.3.274) (2024-10-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([c12d658](scratchfoundation@c12d658))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.275 [skip ci]

## [2.3.275](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.274...v2.3.275) (2024-10-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([1811513](scratchfoundation@1811513))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.276 [skip ci]

## [2.3.276](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.275...v2.3.276) (2024-10-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([fd51c9c](scratchfoundation@fd51c9c))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* feat!: upgrade webpack to 5 and add TS support

Breaking flag is because it may have some differences in the way the library is exported -
`module.exports = ` vs `module.exports.default = `. That would depend on the Webpack config,
so it should continue working, but just to be safe.

* chore: name the worker chunk

* chore: add types

* chore: make it lint TS

* chore: remove leftover no-cache

* chore: remove leftover comments

* chore: fix the asset id types -> seems like they can be numbers?

* chore: export some types

* chore(release): 2.3.277 [skip ci]

## [2.3.277](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.276...v2.3.277) (2024-10-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([fcdeed3](scratchfoundation@fcdeed3))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore: use rimraf & make webpack build in prod mode always

* chore: correct more types, turns out `data` should be `Uint8Array` instead of `Buffer`

The Buffer is a subclass of Uint8Array, so that's fine to change everywhere, even if
in reallity Buffer is used for some of the assets.

* chore: asset data can be a string as well

* chore!: can't have a default and non-default exports in commonjs

BREAKING CHANGE: The ScratchStorage constructor is now exported
as a named export instead of a default export.

* chore(release): 2.3.278 [skip ci]

## [2.3.278](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.277...v2.3.278) (2024-10-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([65cbf02](scratchfoundation@65cbf02))

* chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.25.8

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.279 [skip ci]

## [2.3.279](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.278...v2.3.279) (2024-10-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([8447a35](scratchfoundation@8447a35))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.280 [skip ci]

## [2.3.280](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.279...v2.3.280) (2024-10-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([0baa15c](scratchfoundation@0baa15c))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.281 [skip ci]

## [2.3.281](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.280...v2.3.281) (2024-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([479979f](scratchfoundation@479979f))
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([d36f71c](scratchfoundation@d36f71c))
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([632d22a](scratchfoundation@632d22a))
* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([a657cd8](scratchfoundation@a657cd8))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.282 [skip ci]

## [2.3.282](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.281...v2.3.282) (2024-10-20)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([c396683](scratchfoundation@c396683))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.283 [skip ci]

## [2.3.283](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.282...v2.3.283) (2024-10-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([162a3fb](scratchfoundation@162a3fb))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 2.3.284 [skip ci]

## [2.3.284](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.283...v2.3.284) (2024-10-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([ceb347a](scratchfoundation@ceb347a))

* chore: fix a test referencing the old default export

* chore(release): 3.0.0 [skip ci]

# [3.0.0](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v2.3.284...v3.0.0) (2024-10-23)

* chore!: can't have a default and non-default exports in commonjs ([ff5b428](scratchfoundation@ff5b428))


* The ScratchStorage constructor is now exported
as a named export instead of a default export.

* fix: fix web worker usage in scratch-vm integration tests

* chore: use the preferred webpack config format

* chore(release): 3.0.1 [skip ci]

## [3.0.1](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.0...v3.0.1) (2024-10-23)

### Bug Fixes

* fix web worker usage in scratch-vm integration tests ([78b2c66](scratchfoundation@78b2c66))

* chore(deps): pin dependencies

* chore(deps): update dependency babel-loader to v9.2.1

* chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.95.0

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.2 [skip ci]

## [3.0.2](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.1...v3.0.2) (2024-10-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([edfd458](scratchfoundation@edfd458))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.25.9

* chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.2

* chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.14

* chore(release): 3.0.3 [skip ci]

## [3.0.3](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.2...v3.0.3) (2024-10-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([a218bd0](scratchfoundation@a218bd0))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.4 [skip ci]

## [3.0.4](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.3...v3.0.4) (2024-10-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([2f0ba80](scratchfoundation@2f0ba80))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.5 [skip ci]

## [3.0.5](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.4...v3.0.5) (2024-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([4b64f6c](scratchfoundation@4b64f6c))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.26.0

* chore(release): 3.0.6 [skip ci]

## [3.0.6](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.5...v3.0.6) (2024-10-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([6f9ebca](scratchfoundation@6f9ebca))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.7 [skip ci]

## [3.0.7](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.6...v3.0.7) (2024-10-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([1135b49](scratchfoundation@1135b49))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.8 [skip ci]

## [3.0.8](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.7...v3.0.8) (2024-10-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([f96a40e](scratchfoundation@f96a40e))

* fix(deps): lock file maintenance

* chore(release): 3.0.9 [skip ci]

## [3.0.9](scratchfoundation/scratch-storage@v3.0.8...v3.0.9) (2024-10-31)

### Bug Fixes

* **deps:** lock file maintenance ([f8e1407](scratchfoundation@f8e1407))

* fix(deps): lock file

* build: try prebuild on install for local development

* build: try another github build method

* chore: bump setup-node


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: semantic-release-bot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Georgi Angelov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Georgy Angelov <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
5 people authored Nov 12, 2024
1 parent de70846 commit d0d9ac0
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Hide file tree
Showing 42 changed files with 15,063 additions and 35,418 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .browserslistrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# See
Chrome >= 63
Edge >= 15
Firefox >= 57
Safari >= 11
Android >= 63
iOS >= 11
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions .github/workflows/ci-cd.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: wagoid/commitlint-github-action@v5
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '16'
cache: 'npm'
node-version-file: ".nvmrc"
- name: Info
run: |
cat <<EOF
Expand All @@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ jobs:
GitHub head ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
- name: Setup
run: npm ci
- run: npm run build
- run: npm test
run: |
npm ci
npm run build
npm test
- uses: JS-DevTools/npm-publish@v3
if: github.ref_name == 'develop'
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/commitlint.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
name: Lint commit messages
on: [pull_request]

group: "${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.label || github.head_ref || github.sha }}"

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4
- uses: wagoid/commitlint-github-action@5ce82f5d814d4010519d15f0552aec4f17a1e1fe # v5
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .husky/.gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
* text eol=lf
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .husky/commit-msg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

npx --no-install commitlint --edit "$1"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .nvmrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

0 comments on commit d0d9ac0

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