This is not a forever project. Deadline to finish and archive this repo: 2020-07-27
- helping paper authors improve how their report usage of research software;
- giving paper authors, reviwers, and editors incremental and actionable advice
Out of scope of team:
- software citation (see Force 11 Software Citation working)
- new Provenance format
- long term maintenance of the lightweight reporting format
- guidance document for paper writers, editors, and reviwers
- guidance documents for different types of research software authors/maintainers:
- For command line tool authors, see #6
- Electronic notebooks
- (Web) services
- GUIs
- lightweight intermediate format (JSON?)
- MVP tooling
Project milestones:
- Initial draft list of recommendations
- Lightweight reporting format (JSON?)
- Formal schema for the reporting format (JSON Schema?)
- Examples at each level of the recommendations
- Paper draft
- Preprint
- ~2 rounds of global feedback
- Submission to appropriate journal
- Archive this repo by 2020-07-27
History: This project started at BOSC 2019, beginning with a BoF. The notes of the BoF are here