Add launch pads to minecraft
Current Target: Purpur 1.19.4
Authors: Barny1094875.
/gradlew build
The resulting .jar file will be in build/libs
Use /launchpad give to give yourself a launch pad item. When placed down, a launchpad will be created there with the default x,y,z powers in the config file. This command requires the cangive permission. This will require a server restart to take effect.Use /launchpad set to create a pad where you are standing with the default x,y,z powers set in the config file. This requires the canset permision.
Use /launchpad set to create a pad where you are standing with the x,y,z powers provided. This requires the canset permision.
Use /launchpad set to create a pad at the specified x,y,z coordinates with the specified x,y,z powers. This requires the canset permision.
Use /launchpad delete to remove the pad at the block you are pointing at. This requires the candelete permission.
Use /launchpad delete to delete the pad at the specified coordinates in the world you are standing in. This requires the candelete permission.
Use /launchpad delete to delete the pad at the specified coordinates in the specified world. For world, enter any of: end, nether, overworld, world, world_nether, world_the_end. This requires the candelete permission.
Launchpads can also be removed by placing a block in their location and breaking it. This requires either cancraft to be set to true, or the player to have the canbreak permission.
The launch pad can be crafted if cancraft is set to true in the config. The crafting recipes are as follows:cancraft allows the launch pad to be crafted.
defaultXpower is the default x power value that will be used when creating a launch pad.
defaultYpower is the default y power value that will be used when creating a launch pad.
defaultZpower is the default z power value that will be used when creating a launch pad.
idleParticleCount is the number of particles emmited by the launch pads when they are not in use
idleParticlePower is how far the particles are shot from the center of the launch pad when they are not in use
padLaunchParticleCount is the number of particles produced by the launch pads when a launch occurs
padLaunchParticlePower is how far the particles are shot from the center of the launch pads when a launch occurs
playerLaunchParticleCountMultiplier is a scalar for the number of particles emmited by the player as they fly through the air
Each pad has it's own x, y, z, xpower, ypower, zpower attached to it. If you want to change the power of a single pad, go into the config file, and look for that pad. For convenience, you can CTRL+F for a pad by typing in its x, y, z coordinates with spaces in between. For example, if the pad has coordinates x=112, y=61, z=434, you can search for it in your config file by using CTRL+F and typing "112 61 434"
Once you have found your pad, you can change the xpower, ypower, and zpower to change how far the pad will launch you.
When your changes have been made, you will need to run the command /launchpad reloadconfig. This command will update the config with your changes. While updating, it will check that nothing is wrong with the config, and tell you what is wrong if there is something wrong. This command requires the canreload permission.