OAuthService - authorization / authentication service
- 123
SessionService - Main server interaction service.
- event Authorized -> AuthView, open main lobby view
- event NewPlayer -> PlayersService
- event NewGame -> GamesService
- event SocialInfo -> SocialService // Unused
- GetSession() - ask and return session code
- GenerateUID() - generates Unique PC Id
- Authorize() - passing session and auth data for authorization
- IdleGames - Open games
- LiveGames - Games thats launched
- SuspiciousGames - List of games (mainly open) that is bugged due to different reasons. Host didnt connected, etc. If after 120 seconds still no players, game being removed from Idle/Live games.
- Players - ObservableCollection
- PlayerUIDToId - Dictionary, uid to Players[id]
- PlayerLoginToId - Dictionary, login to Players[id]
- AddFriend(id) - adds specific user to friends
- AddFoe() - adds specific user to foe (black list)
- RemoveFriend()
- AddFriend()
- AddRelationShip() - creates friend/foe relationship
- RemoveRelationShip() - removes friend/foe relationship
- GetAvatar(...) - Calls CacheService.GetImage()
- SetAvatar() - Sets required avatar and notify FAF Lobby Server
- UpdateAvaiableAvatas - Gets list of available avatars
- Get..?
- GetMap() - returns map class GameMap/CoopMap/NeroxisMap
- GetMapPreview(...) - Calls CacheService.GetImage()
- IsLegacyMap() - Checks if map is original Supreme Commander Forged Alliance map
- AttachMapScenario() - Parsing and loading data from local files about map. Name, description, size, mexs and hydros counts
- Download() - not implemented
- GetImage(Uri, Folder) - checking local cache for image, other way downloading from uri and caching locally
- JoinGame() - re-launch last game if update were required or something went wrong
- JoinGame(...) - passing Game and Mod?
- RestoreGame() - not implemented
- ConfirmPatch(FeaturedMod) - API request and checks of MD5 of local patch
- CopyOriginalBin() - copying original game BIN folder to local patch
- OnPatchUpdateRequired(DownloaderModel) - invokes event for downloading patch
- Methods-------------
- Connect() - unused, connect to IRC FAF Server
- Authorize - connects and authorize on IRC FAF Server
- Join(channel) - joining to required channel
- Leave(channel) - leaves from required channel
- Leave(channels[]) - leaves from requires channels
- LeaveAll() - leaves from all channels
- Ping() - unused, can be used for monitoring connection stability
- Quit() - disconnects from IRC FAF Server
- SetTopic(channel, topic) - sets to required channel the topic
- SendInvite(user, channel) - sends invite to specific user to join specific channel
- Events-------------
- UserConnected - to IRC server
- UserDisconnected - from IRC server
- UserJoined - to channel
- UserLeft - from channel
- UserChangedName
- PrivateMessageReceived
- ChannelMessageReceived
- ChannelTopicUpdated
- ChannelTopicChangedBy
- ChannelUsersReceived
// Not implemented yet
- IceInteractionService??? This thing scares me >.< Service to control Ice-FAF-adapter for peer2peer connecions in game
- PatchService??
- ModsService
- VaultService?