A simple Entity-Componet library for Lua.
-- Create a world
local w = ecs.world()
-- Register a new type "vector( x:float, y:float )" into world.
-- It's a C component (The data is in C memory).
w:register {
name = "vector",
-- Register a new type "name" into world.
-- It's a Lua component (The value can be any lua object)
w:register {
name = "name",
type = "lua",
-- Create a new entity with components vector and name.
local eid = w:new {
vector = { x = 1.0, y = 2.0 },
name = "point",
-- Iterate every entity with component vector and name
for v in w:select "vector:in name:in" do
-- v is the iterator, we can read compionent from it.
-- DO NOT store v outside of the iteration
print(v.name) -- output : point
print(v.vector.x, v.vector.y) -- output: 1.0, 2.0
C Component
The component is stored in C side, it's compat and can be accessed from C side easily. The supported buildin types are:
- int (32bits)
- float
- bool (8bits)
- int64
- dword (unsigned 32bits)
- word (unsigned 16bits)
- byte (unsigned 8bits)
- double
- userdata (void *)
w:register {
name = "vector",
The equivalent C struct is
struct vector {
float x;
float y;
A single buildin C type can be register as
w:register {
name = "visible",
type = "bool",
Lua component
The component is stored in Lua side , and can be any lua types, such as string, table, userdata, etc.
w:register {
name = "name",
type = "lua",
The tag is a special component , it can be read as a boolean type, and the value must be true. It used for selection.
w:register {
name = "visible"
Entity ID
Each entity has a build-in readonly component eid
, it's a 64bits unique monotonic ID. The newest entity always has the biggest eid.
Use for v in world:select(pattern)
to manage components. It iterate all the entities in the world and filter out the entities matching the pattern. The order of iteration is the creation order of the entities.
-- print all the entities' eid
for v in w:select "eid:in" do
The pattern is a space-separated combination of componentname[:?]action
, and the action
can be
- in : read the component
- out : write the component
- update : read / write
- absent : check if the component is not exist
- exist (default) : check if the component is exist
- new : create the component
- ? means it's an optional action if the component is not exist
-- clear temp component from all entities
w:clear "temp"
-- Iterate the entity with visible/value/output components and without readonly component
-- Create temp component for each.
for v in w:select "visible readonly:absent value:in output:out temp:new" do
v.output = v.value + 1
v.temp = v.value
NOTICE: If you use action new
, you must guarantee the component is clear (None entity has this component) before iteration.
-- create an empty entity
local eid = w:new()
-- Import component "name" into entity (eid)
w:import(eid, { name = "foobar" })
-- Or you can use
local eid = w:new { name = "foobar" }
You can also create an entity from a template :
-- Create a template first
local t = w:template {
name = "foobar"
-- instance the template into an entity, and add visible tag.
-- The additional components ( { visible = true } ) is optional.
local eid = w:template_instance(w:new(), t, { visible = true })
You can offer init
/ marshal
/ unmarshal
functions for the component type in w:register()
and unmarshal
is for lua component of template, and init
is the constructor of the component, the common use is for C component initialization.
NOTICE: C component can be initialize by a lua string, you can use string.pack()
to generate the C structure data.
-- Remove an entity with eid
-- Or remove an entity with an iterator
for v in w:select "value:in" do
if v.value == 42 then
for v in w:select "REMOVED value:in do
assert(v.value == 42)
-- delete all the entities removed
The entities removed are not going to disppear immediately, they are tagged with REMOVED
only, and deleted after you call w:update()
You can add an entity into a group after creation. Each entity can belongs one or more groups (or no group).
-- Add entity (eid) into a group with groupid (32bit integer)
w:group_add(groupid, eid)
You can tags entities in groups with w:group_enable(groupid1, groupid2,...)
Only C components can be persistance.
-- Save
-- Create a writer to file "saves.bin"
local writer = ecs.writer "saves.bin"
writer:write(w, w:component_id "eid") -- write component eid
writer:write(w, w:component_id "value") -- write component value
writer:write(w, w:component_id "tag") -- write component tag
local meta = writer:close()
local function print_section(s)
print("offset =", s.offset)
print("stride =", s.stride)
print("n = ", s.n)
print_section(meta[1]) -- meta information of eid
print_section(meta[2]) -- meta information of value
print_section(meta[3]) -- meta information of tag
-- Load
local reader = ecs.reader "saves.bin"
local maxid = w:read_component(reader, "eid", meta[1].offset, meta[1].stride, meta[1].n)
local value_n = w:read_component(reader, "value", meta[2].offset, meta[2].stride, meta[2].n)
local tag_n = w:read_component(reader, "tag", meta[3].offset, meta[3].stride, meta[3].n)
You can also use w:generate_eid()
instead of reading eid from file
w:exist(eid) -- Check if the entity with eid exist
w:clear(typename) -- delete component (typename) from all the entities
w:clearall() -- delete all the entities
w:component_id(typename) -- returns the component id of the component (typename) . It's for C systems.
w:type(typename) -- returns "tag", "lua" or "c"
w:first(pattern) -- Read the first component with the pattern.
w:filter(tagname, pattern) -- Enable tags marching the pattern
- Create a context by
w:context { component1, component2, ... }
for C. Export the components C concerned. - Define C structs of components in C.
- Use APIs in
void * entity_iter(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index)
void * entity_sibling(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t sibling_id)
struct component *v;
int i;
// iterate all the components with COMPONENT_ID. COMPONENT_ID is the index of context (base 0) or component id from lua MAKE_COMPONENT_ID(cid)
for (i = 0; (v = (struct component *)entity_iter(ctx, COMPONENT_ID, i)); i++) {
// Read the component2 associate with component (the same entity)
struct component2 * c2 = (struct component2 *)entity_sibling(ctx, COMPONENT_ID, i, COMPONENT_ID2);
int entity_sibling_id(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t sibling_id)
The same with entity_sibling, but returns an id (base 1). 0 : not exist.
void * entity_add_sibling(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t sibling_id, const void *buffer)
int entity_new(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, const void *buffer)
Create an entity with one component
void entity_remove(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index)
void entity_enable_tag(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t tag_id)
void entity_disable_tag(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t tag_id)
int entity_get_lua(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, void *L)
int entity_sibling_lua(struct ecs_context *ctx, cid_t cid, int index, cid_t sibling_id, void *L)
void entity_group_enable(struct ecs_context *ctx, int tagid, int n, int groupid[])