Based on the latest release of Apache Spark
Current release: Spark 2.3.2 with Hadoop 2.7
Required environment variables:
PUBLIC_IP => public IP of the host
SPARK_MASTER_UI_PORT => Spark Web Interface
JMS_IP => JMS IP for the Metric Agent
JMS_PORT => JMS PORT for the Metric Agent
APP_NAME => name of the application to monitor
JMS_USER => username to authenticate against the JMS to report metrics
JMS_PASSWORD => password to authenticate against the JMS to report metrics
docker run -d -p 7077:7077 -p 8080:8080 -e PUBLIC_IP=localhost -e SPARK_MASTER_PORT=7077 -e SPARK_MASTER_UI_PORT=8080 -e JMS_IP=localhost JMS_PORT=61616 -e APP_NAME=dummy -e JMS_USER=test -e JMS_PASSWORD=secret cloudiator/spark-master:latest