This is used by the Introduction to GitOps course presented by CloudAcademy.
- Fri 4 Dec 2020: updated install instructions to work with latest versions of tools and Flux chart
If you intend to watch the course and repeat the same instructions in your own environment, then you must fork this repository into your own GitHub account. The reason for this, is that you need to be the owner of the repo to be able to upload and configure a new Deploy Key within the Settings area of the repo. The new Deploy Key will contain the Flux operators SSH public key.
- helm (v3.4.0)
- kubectl (1.19.3)
- minikube (1.15.1)
- k8s (v1.19.4)
NOTE: Helm3 is easier and more secure - doesn't require the Tiller component/service to be installed in the K8s cluster (Helm2 did)
Start a K8s cluster locally - only do this if you need a cluster
minikube start --memory=4g --kubernetes-version=v1.19.4
Use browser and open
Search for "Flux" - click on the "flux" chart result - here you can review the install instructions, which follow.
Run the following commands to install the "flux" chart
helm repo add flux
helm repo update
kubectl create ns flux
kubectl create ns cloudacademy
helm search repo flux
NOTE: replace the git.url parameter with YOUR FORKed copy - so that you can later set the SSH public key as a DeployKey within your own Github FORKed repo
helm install flux --set [email protected]:cloudacademy/gitops-demo --namespace flux flux/flux --version 1.6.0
NOTE: if needed you can perform a "helm upgrade" to change the Flux deployed chart's git.url like this:
helm upgrade -i flux fluxcd/flux --set [email protected]:myaccount/gitops-demo --namespace flux
Examine the rollout of Flux...
kubectl rollout status deployment flux -n flux
kubectl get pods -n flux
kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux --follow
CTRL-C to exit previous command
Retrieve SSH public key and then add as a DeployKey within your own Github FORKed repo:
kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep | cut -d '"' -f2
Check to see that the gitops-demo resources have been automatically deployed by Flux into the cloudacademy namespace within the K8s cluster
kubectl get pods -n cloudacademy
kubectl describe pod -n cloudacademy
kubectl get pods -n cloudacademy --watch
CTRL-C to exit previous command
kubectl rollout status deployment frontend -n cloudacademy
The following steps demonstrate how Flux will automatically rollout a new K8s deployment when updates are made, and pushed back into the Git repo.
Note The DockerHub repo is owned by CloudAcademy - you will not be able to push (write) into it. Instead, perform the following:
5.1. Create your own DockerHub account ( - say for now you create it with a username of xyzdevops
, resulting in a new DockerHub repo
5.2. Git clone this FORKed Github repo locally, and then navigate into the FlaskApp dir ./gitops-demo/tree/master/flaskapp
5.3. Perform a local docker build and tag it to be stored in your new DockerHub repo
- making sure that the tag name continues to use the flaskapp:develop-v1.8.0
naming format - since this is used by Flux (particularly the version numbering format)
docker build -t gregdevops/flaskapp:develop-v1.8.0 .
5.4. Push the resulting Docker image up into your new DockerHub repo
docker push xyzdevops/flaskapp:develop-v1.8.0
5.5 Back within your FORKed Github repo, update (line 35) the K8s deployment manifest ./k8s/deployment.yaml
to use your newly hosted docker image:
5.6. Commit and push the updates (K8s deployment manifest) back up into your FORKed repo
5.7. Watch the magic happen!!